This is the whole Snyder clan, minus one, who is John. He is serving in Brazil. We had so much fun. It was great to see everyone again. It had been a year and a half since we had seen Shauna and we got to meet her two adorable twins, Joel and Jacob. They are just the sweetest little guys too. We also got to meet for the very first time little Emma Marie. Oh she was so sweet. She was so fun to hold and squeeze. I forgot just how small they are. Thanks Paul and Lesa for letting us all crash at your house.It was so nice to meet Shelley. She is such a doll. Eldon, you found a keeper. We can't wait until you are offically married. They have set the date for December 29th in the Oakland temple. So all siblings are flying to California for the wedding, while the rest of us linger in Mesa. We will hopefully get to stay there until after the New Year for the reception. We had fun stuffing invitations and just being together. I know it felt like a zoo sometimes but we had a great time.
Keaton and Andrew really loved playing with the kids. It didn't matter how cold it was, they still wanted to be outside.
Provo was so beautiful. Mom and Dad's home is right up along the mountain. There is just an amazing view out their window. We loved being so close to the mountains again. Mom and Dad, you were so gracious with everything. How do you do it? We sure love you. We only wish that Arizona were right next to Idaho. Our boys sure miss you, but we have your pictures up so you are no strangers to them.
Here are some more fun pictures that we took. Enjoy. I will post some more later.
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