Here is a recap of our past weekend. The boys got ice cream pushups if they ate all their lunch. Why is it that children will not touch vegetables like they touch ice cream or any kind of treat for that matter? How do you get a child to love his vegetalbles like they love a treat? Does anyone know? We have really tired to inforce the healthy eating now with the boys but not matter what we do it doesn't seem to work. Andrew does pretty well. He usually will eat anything you put in front of us his face. Now when we walks with you, he will lead you into the kitchen and will want you to open the pantry door so he can get a peak inside of something to eat. I guess he watches Keaton too much. I swear they are eating us out of the house. Keaton's favorites are for breakfast- hot chocolate and toast, or if there are muffins in the pantry he will take that over anything else. He is our little "muffin nazi" if you will. That is all he seems to want. A poppyseed muffin. Those are his favorite. If there are none left, he will simply just tell me," Mom, got to the store and buy some ok!" It is just that simple to him. He always makes us laugh with some of the things he is starting to say. Another one of his favorites is "I'm not talking to you mom!" I can't wait to see what comes next. They all tell me it will get worse. Yippy!!!!!
Andrew is learing to walk. His confidence is building up. He wears a smile from ear to ear when he attempts to walk. It is quite cute. I can't wait until he is more independent. I will miss the cuddling and the needing to be held, but it is nice when they can get up and just go on their own.
We leave for the Bahamas in a month. Who's counting? I can't wait for a vacation. Lance and I have not had a vacation without children since he started having chilren. We are looking forward to just sleeping in and just having fun being together.
Young Women's is great! I am really liking it. I am with the Miamaids and there are only two of them right now. Which makes it even easier right now but between now and September we will recieve 10 new girls. I only have to teach once every 6 weeks. We are combined with the Laurels so there are plenty of teachers to go around. For our activity nights we are learning how to make stained glass. It is really quite simple. It just requires lots of slow work and patience. I hope that I can get to know the girls more and be a fun leader. It can make or break the Young Women experience for the Young Women.
Your boys are growing up so much! The last time I saw them was the hilarious dinner with Grandma and Grandpa Ray and my parents! They are little men now! Independence is great untill it turns into mischief I guess! You are so lucky that you have two cute, healthy boys! Great job in Young Womens, you would be a great leader!
I'd want you for my YW leader! I'm coveting that calling right now! I don't know if I'll ever be able to get out of primary! haha! Your family is so dang cute.
Hey! Your boys are so cute. I can't believe how much your second one looks like a Snyder... it's kinda freaky! They're adorable. I'm also commenting about your post on "crying out". Jack is 14 months (today) and still waking up twice a night. He takes great naps during the day (10-12 in the morning and then an hour in the afternoon). But I just don't know what to do about night time. I guess it's time for crying out! I'm not looking forward to it, but we need our sleep. He was great before Christmas... then we went home for 3 weeks and got him all messed up. Let me know if you come up with something that works! My little boy just LOVES to know that mommy is still around. He nurses for like 2 minutes, and goes right back to sleep. Maybe this conversation is getting a little too personal. Sorry if I've offended anyone! Melissa, let me know how it's going :-)
Yeah... I'm not starting potty training yet. I am not prepared. I have some reading to do I think. Texas is great. Today's the first day of law school. Wish us luck!
hey guys!
just wanted to stop and say hello! cute cute boys you have! we all need to get together again for some kick butt good times and laughs.
i need your blog address.. so i dont have to blog stock to find yours! haha! hope your all doing well!
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