Yesterday we went to the Twin Falls Temple Open house. It was such a great experience. I took my boys with me so they could experience the temple before it's dedication. My grandmother, my sister Rachel, my mom and my Aunt Sheryl also joined us. We left pretty early so we could get there in time to visit with my cousin Becky and her family who just moved into their brand new home. The drive was good. My boys did so well. They were quite the good travelers! The drive was a little under 2 hours and we got there just in time to eat and then make it to the temple's open house at 2:20 p.m..
The Twin Falls temple is located right at the top of canyon. It overlooks it. It was so beautiful. It was pretty small. I couldn't believe how small it was inside but it was still beautiful. We had to wear those small annoying booties that you have to wear for any open house really. My boys did not like those so we ended up carrying them through the tour.
Afterwards we took some pictures outside the grounds and then we went for treats inside the cultural hall in the buiding behind the temple.
My boys missed out on their naps but did suprisingly well. I couldn't believe how well they behaved.
Then it was back to Becky's house to help them unpack. We ended up staying until 8 p.m.. We helped them get alittle situated.
It just reminded me of how much I hate moving! Here are some fun pictures of our trip.
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