October 20, 2008

And the gender is............

Today we had another ultrasound. This time it was for the AFP test. It is the Alpa-fetla protein test that helps detect any chromosomal abnormalities.They draw my blood and they can detect any abnormality from that. Amazing! And then in the actual ultrasound they measure the amount of fluid that is between the spinal cord and the brain. If it measures high, then the odds are much higher of having a child with Down Snydrome or anything else. Every time we have had this ultrasound everything come back negative and good. We are just keeping our fingers crossed that the same result comes back. I am not worried about it.
My ultrasound was at 9 this morning and it was clear in downtown Boise. I had to get up and get ready, feed my kids, get them dressed and out the door to my sister's house so she could watch them all within an hour. It was a pretty hectic morning and to top it all off, Lance and I had a hard time finding the office. But we made it on time and all went well.
Every pregnancy and every ultrasound amazes me. Ever since our experience with our first child, I have always been so nervous up until an ultrasound confirms that all is ok. The lady who did our ultrasound was very friendly. It was so fun to see the little one just bounce all around and wave its arms. It is so neat to see another life forming and developing inside of me, even though I can't feel it right now. That is just around the corner. That is my favorite part of the whole pregnancy, feeling the baby move. Not so much when they kick the crap out of my ribs but the feeling of life inside is something that is hard to describe.
Towards the end she asked if she wanted us to have her try to see what the gender of the baby is. I told her, YES, YES, YES! She said it was still kind of hard to tell but her suspicisions were telling her that it was a boy. She was not completely sure but it looked like it. So I am crossing my fingers that somehow this baby comes out as a girl. I am still holding out for a girl. But if it is another boy, we are so excited too. Maybe we are just destined to have all boys. I don't mind! Boys are fun and plus they will be the best of friends. I just know it!
So here's possibly to another baby boy coming our way. Time will tell.
I will post pictures when it is not so late at night. I am ready for bed. Good night everyone!


Justin Quinn said...


I am so excited to spoil yet another one!


laneyfamily said...

Congrats- I am holding our for a girl too for ava to play dolls with! I am excited for you even if it is another boy, I am glad you are feeling well!

erin said...

I am glad you got your big sigh of relief today. I always freak out until the ultrasound too. But mine isn't until around Christmas. But congrats on your probably boy/maybe girl. We are hoping for a boy here!

Jaclyn said...

Oh Melissa, we are so excited for you! We can't wait to see you guys (whether at thanksgiving or christmas, whenever the case may be) and for Bree to meet her uncle and cousins. Give the fam hugs for us. We miss you! And congrats again on the newest little one!

Shelli Snyder said...

We're so excited for you guys, Melissa! Is it unholy to pray that you'll have a girl? Because that's in my prayers for you. :) But we sure love the boys you two make!