Today was my Grandmother's 76th Birthday. I love my Grandma Beard. She has been one of my closest friends. My parents live right next door to her so we see her almost every day or whenever we are over there. My boys love their Great Grandma Beard.

(my grandma in her younger days)
To celebrate we had dinner with everyone at our home. I made a turkey, stuffing, supposed to have mashed potatoes but the potatoes were really old and so we substituted with rice. It was like Thanksgiving dinner all over again. No one really talked at the table. We just ate and ate. Then afterwards we had cake and ice cream. I love having reasons for having everyone over. It was so fun and the kids had a great time. Thanks everyone for coming. We had a great time and Happy Birthday to you Grandma! I love you!
my boys with Great Grandma Beard last year for Halloween
our birthday crowd at our home
Grandma Beard and gang
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