Last night we watched this movie - Nights in Rodanthe. I had been begging Lance for awhile and he finally gave in. Thanks Lance! I love a good movie, but I must say I was not really impressed with this one. I don't like movies with a really crappy ending. Sorry for all of those who have not seen it yet. You might not want to read the rest. It is a story of a family who is seperated and the kids are fighting for the parents to get back together. The husband had left his wife for another and was coming back, begging to come back home, because he was sorry for what he had done. So Adrian, the mother, main actress, goes on a vacation for a week to see her best friend in a beach home that is literally on the ocean. It is a neat old home and there is a tale that wild horses swam to this specific place. Richard Gere, who plays the role of Paul, who is a doctor that is divorced and hasn't seen his son in over a year comes to this home, which is a bed and breakfast, for a couple of days to meet a man who's wife died while undergoing an opteration that he performed on her. He wants answers and wants to know what happened so Paul comes to talk to him, only to find that the whole town knows about it and there are many hard feelings.
Well to make the long story short. These two people with broken hearts become in love and they spend one week that was paradise for them. Then Paul, leaves for Ecuador to see his son, who is a doctor there helping those less fortunate. He leaves and promises to write her every day. So they write to each other and fall even more in love. Then the day he is planned to come home she prepares a dinner and a speical evening only to find that he never comes. So the next morning Paul's son shows up on her doorstep to deliver his father's things to her. He tells her of the accident in Ecuador that took his father's life. He was killed in a flash flood trying to rescue medical supplies for his son.
It was so sad. I hate movies with icky endings. So she goes to live a sad life without him and how she must face things. It was in tears the whole time. I don't like movies with a sad ending. So if any of you want to see it, you might like it, you might not like me.
Thank You for posting this!:) I wanted to see this movie, but I was affraid it would have a sad ending. Good to know!
Thanks for the tip...I wondered about that movie but I HATE movies like that too!! So, I won't be seeing it. :)
I agree!! I don't need any one else's suffering. I have enough of my own. I like a movie that's escapism, not tragifying! :)
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