This year was pretty low key for us. We spent a lot of time BBQing and now we are so sick of hamburgers and hot dogs, at least for me. We spent a lot of time with family and friends. Only sad thing is, I didn't have a camera at all this weekend, sorry no photos.
Sunday I finally decided to go to church. Sunday morning Lance asked me if I wanted to go to church. Kind of crazy that I had to stop and think about it. I had been so used to laying in bed with Owen while the boys got ready to go to church and it was the first time that I had to stop and think about going. It was the weirdest moment for me personally. It has been 5 weeks since Owen was born and the weather has been beautiful and since it was Memorial Day weekend I knew no one would be at church. I was right, no one was really there. We had an empty ward and it was the perfect Sunday to go back too. I really enjoyed being back. It felt good. I was very welcomed and I guess missed. It was nice to know that someone misses you while you are away.
This morning we cleaned the house while the boys worked outside. I was able to break away for an hour or two in search of a baby carrier. I couldn't see myself paying too much for one so I went to a second hand store here in Boise called Other Mothers. It was a great store because everything is in such great condition, almost brand new and they had just what I was looking for for only $8. I couldn't believe it so I bought it without out thinking twice. I also got a great little stroller for Owen for only $12. It was a good day shopping.
After naps, Lance took the boys up to the golfing range up the hill from our home while Owen and I chilled with some good family friends of ours that came to see Owen.
Tonight we had a BBQ with some friends from our old ward and some family also. We had great food and great entertainment- Watching our children play. We have a swimming pool in our neighborhood. Great thing about this one is that it is all ours. It is only for those who live in this area and that would only us so we have a pool that requires no maintance on our part. It was still kind of murky and cold but everyone got it and enjoyed it. We can't wait to live in it all day everyday. It has finally started to warm up so it might happen sooner than I thought.
We had a scare today at the pool. My little Andrew decided to just go and jump off into the deep end without anyone looking so Lance had to jump in to get him. I get a little nervous because they just don't know that they can't swim or that it is really deep and they can't touch like in the kiddy part. Swimming lessons here we come.
Thanks to all of those who came tonight. Your children are darling and we just love having such great friends and family so close. We hope you had a great one too.
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