These were his statistics today~
Weight: 15 lbs. 13.5 oz. {65%}
Lenght: 27'' {96%}
Head: 43.3 cm {75%}
He is doing pretty well. He is off his acid reflux medication. We will see if there is anymore need for it. The doctor said to wait a few weeks for the heartburn to come back if it does indeed come back. Keeping our fingers crossed.
This is Owen in a nutshell. What we have discovered about him so far:
~He loves to be involved in the crowd.
~Hates to be alone.
~Loves it when Keaton and Andrew talk and play with him. {My most favoirte to watch}
~He WILL NOT take naps during the day!
~He goes to bed at 8 pm. and is up every two hours after midnight. Again, doesn't sleep
~He still has to be swaddled at night
~He LOVES to eat.
~He loves to have a blanket or burp cloth up to his face while trying to go to sleep
~He LOVES bathtime
~He loves music
~He has great hand/eye cordination
And most of all he loves to cuddle with me. I love this part about him I especially love the way he smells after a bath too. Oh so sweet! We love you Owen. Our family is complete with you in it. We are so glad you are healthy and happy. Now just go to sleep!
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