We left on Thursday. Owen had been running a low grade fever and Lance didn't want me staying behind so we packed up and left Thursday evening. The kids traveled well too. I have become a fan of night time traveling. The kids sleep and it can be a pleasant car ride.
My in-laws started the tradition of gathering every year for BYU's Homecoming weekend. There is so much packed into one weekend, there is really no free time except at night.
Friday night we had a pizza party with all the cousins. Lance's cousin Joyce lives up against the canyon in Mapleton and it is absolutely beautiful. I wish I got more pictures.
Then Saturday morning we had breakfast and devotional over there again. I have never met a family quite as large and a family that have devotionals like this family does. Every year we cram into the basement of this home with oh let's just say about 40 people and each year someone is assigned to talk or give advise on something that is important for the family to hear. This year it was about the family.
Afterwards we headed up the Canyon for lunch and games. Then after the canyon Grandma and Grandpa Ray buys tickets in advance for all the families wanting to attend the game.I really wanted Lance to take the boys because I thought they would really love it, but the weather was nasty so we stayed at home and watched it with Shelli and Chiara. Too bad that BYU really stunk it up. I hear they had great fun with all the family even though it was a horrible game. You just never know which BYU team is going to show up to play.
I feel really bad that i didn't take many pictures this weekend. I was in battle with a very sick baby. But it was cold and it rained on us. Here are some pictures of the canyon and our day at the park.

My brother and sister in law with their sweet children
The house in the canyon
We had a fun time. Thanks Snyders for letting us come and be with you. Next year I think we will try to come without children. Seems like that is the thing to do.
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