December 21, 2009

Dear Andrew

Happy Birthday sweetheart! I can't believe you will be turning 3 tomorrow. You were due the day after Christmas and the doctor told me it would be alright to induce me a week early so we wouldn't risk you having to share your birthday with Christmas day. Seems just like yesterday we were welcoming you into the world. Keaton couldn't wait to have another brother, me, I was glad you were out and Dad was happy he was having another son. My labor and delievery with you was very smooth sailing. In the beginning you were breech, which means you were toes down first, instead of head first. So the doctor had to work on you for alittle bit, and you finally moved. I was so relieved. I only pushed for 10 minutes and you came so silently into the world. You weighed 8 lbs. 7 oz. and you had the curliest hair. What a beautiful baby you were. I fell in love the moment I saw you and held you.

You were such a sweet baby. You really never cried unless you were hungry or tired. You were clock work. You were a routine baby and I loved that about you!  You just did what we wanted you to do, at least for the first half of your life.
You were so chubby. I loved the double chins, the think thighs. You were so squeezy. I loved it! Everyone called you meatball. I love being your mom. I can't tell you how much joy you have brought into our lives. There is never a dull moment with you around son. Your love for your brothers and those close to you is so sweet to watch. You have a sensitive heart and it is a tender thing to watch you be gentle with your friends.  Your love for learning is incredible. You are constantly singing the alpahbet song and you can count to 20. You are amazing. Did you know that son? Although you can really test my patience, I couldn't imagine living this life without you.You have experienced a lot in just these short 3 years, but I am confident that you will aspire to great and many incredible things. You will acheive so much and I can't wait to sit back and watch you continue to grow up. Let's watch you grow!

Happy Birthday Andrew! We love you!

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