October 5, 2010

Friends and Worms

This is how my boys spent their afternoon........

What is that on the floor by their feet you ask? Well I will show you......

Yes worms.  It rained all morning long and what happens when it rains? All the worms come to surface. So my boys got the brillant idea to go worm hunting with their little next door neighbor friend Tyler. They collected all the worms they could find and pilled them right in front of our home. Isn't that lovely? Wanna know the gross part? Andrew would just sit there in front of them and swish them around with is fingers. He said he liked the way they "tickled his fingers." Gross or not gross? I was really grossed out, but you know what they say "Boys will be boys." And today I let them play.

1 comment:

Kamalyn Luke said...

Nice! Love your boys' shirts btw! :)