January 3, 2011


Here's to an eventful 2010 we have had.  My little recap of last year.........

.  We sold our home in January

.  We moved into our rental home just down the street in Lakeshore.  We have loved every minute of it. It
    has been the best move for our children.  They have found complete happiness here.  I couldn't be
    more happier.  I have some amazing neighbors and they are just the greatest to have around.

.  In March, Lance started his own company with the foreclosed home buisness.  He has really enjoyed it.
   There are the good, the bad and the ugly with owning your own buisness. But we are happy. I think he
   is too.

.  In May we welcomed Lance's brother John and his wife Carrie who was 9 months pregnant at the time
   with their first little baby boy.  We were so thrilled to have more Snyder's in Idaho with us.

.  June 9th Brantly was born.  I remember that morning when Carrie walked down my stairs and said to
   calmly to me "My doctor told me that I should go to the hospital because I think my water broke last
   night."  I was so excited. For once, I got a glimpse of how exciting it must be for the ones who are on
   the side waiting for the baby to come without having to experience the actual pains of labor itself.  He
   was just the sweetest little thing. I was so excited to have a  newborn in our home again. I love them!
   I love Brantly!!!

.  Eldon (Lance's other brother) and his wife Shelli came to live with us also in August.  Medical school
   didn't happen that fall and the other option was the army.  Lance offered him a job and he took it.  So
   we now have even more Snyder's in Idaho living with us.

.  A household of 11 people living under our one roof for 4 months was hectic, fun, entertaining and very
   humbling.  We loved having them all in our home.  My boys are missing all the entertainment.

.  In November we had our home back to ourselves for the first time in 8 months.  It felt great and terrible
   all at the same time.  We loved having our space back but we really missed on the visiting and the late
   night talks and games we used to have.  I am glad that they all live really close to us so they can come
   over and still play with us. 

.  We stayed home for the holidays this year.  It was so nice.  We missed all of our families but it was so
   nice to be in the comfort of our own home.

.  Lance and I celebrated our 8th anniversary.  Has it really been that long?  Or has it really only been 8
   years?  Sometimes it feels like 8 long lifetimes ago and some days it feels just like yesterday.  What
   was life like before that? I really can't remember a whole lot.  Only that I was carefree and had a lot of
   fun.  Don't get me wrong, I have fun but it was just different somehow.  Understand?

Now a decade has passed.  Lance asked me the question the other night. "What were you doing a decade ago?"  I remember being on my mission.  I remember having the rest of my life planned out when I returned. I knew who I was going to marry and I knew what I wanted.  Isn't it interesting how different things have changed since then?  I am happy now.  I am a mother.  I have always wanted to be one and now that I am one I often take it for granted.  But they make my life complete. I feel whole.  I feel loved.  I feel grateful.

So here are some of the things I plan to work on in 2011........

.  Learn to give more and expect less.

.  Learn to serve my children unselfishly. I am constantly trying at this.

.  100% scripture study and personal prayer

.  Learn to be non-judgemental.

.  Less complaining. I have been sick and that has been so excuse for me.

.  Learn to cook more healthier.  Not only for me but for my children.

.  Work out every day, if I can, or if that is possible. I know it might start getting hard.

.  Love unconditionally.  I fall short of giving my all to something or someone
and I can do much better.

.  Learn to trust more.  Not only those around me but myself as well.

.  Take time each day to express my grattitude for each one of my children.
And my husband too.  He does so much and I don't give him half the
credit he deserves.

.  Take time to listen.

.  Tuck my children into bed each night.  I love that.  I love my children.

There you have some of my list.  Is it resonable?  Yes, I think so.  Wish me luck.

Happy New Year to you too!

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