January 12, 2011

Sick kids make me sad

All of them but Owen are still sick.  I can't stand seeing them so miserable.  We have been playing musical beds for the past week and it is driving us all insane.  None of the boys sleep well and are tossing and turning and Keaton is constantly blowing his nose.  I can't sleep! I am tired.  My boys are tired!  They both have huge black bags under their eyes.  Andrew is still coughing like crazy. My gut tells me that he has asthma.  I will call the doctor on Friday if none of it has cleared up.  Poor guy can't breath very well.  So my whole night is spent trying to help make him comfortable so he can sleep.  I think bags are starting under my eyes too.
Owen thankfully has not caught anything.  He is happy as a clam and that makes all this so much easier. He is sleeping much better and his schedule is back on track. Horray for happy toddlers.
Keaton has a huge head cold.  I sent him off to schoo this morning because he was his chipper self. He didn't have a fever, no cough, and he looked just fine.  When I picked him up it was another story.  His teacher told me that he seemed under the weather today in class.  He is usually a leader and helps her out quite a bit but today he just laid low and didn't do much.  So we came home, put a movie on and relaxed. He complained about feeling really cold. It was not cold in our home and so I felt his forhead and he was burning up. His fever was 102.9.  That is really high for Keaton, and Keaton is my one child who rarely gets sick but when he does, it is pretty harsh.  So he relaxed all afternoon.  Bedtime came around and they were both asleep by 7 p.m..  I hope tonight will be better.
Does anyone have any home remedies or any advice on how to help them sleep better? I have been using Lavender oil and bath salts every evening but it doesn't really take the edge of of it and I really hate resorting to Tylenol but right now we don't have any other options.  I am open for new ideas! Thanks! Wish us luck tonight.  Here's to a healthy family! I want my boys back!!!!!

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