I have always been the one to set goals alittle above and beyond at the start of every New Year. Most years, I have already forgotten about them and give up. Not this year. This year I have dedicated it to being more healthy, more fit, and happier. So far so good. I am happy to report that I am still doing what I set out to do.
I have set the goal to be happier, healthier and more productive in my spare time. I am really working on the healthier part right now and I have found that the other two just seem to fall into place, which makes that much easier.
I have been working out almost every day besides Sunday. Saturdays are hard too but I do find time to get something in. I joined a fitness challenge with some of my good friends and it has been so much fun working out with them. We meet down out church 3 days out of the week for yoga, pilates, weights, cardio and sometimes Zumba. We have had a lot of fun doing it together. Everyone put in $10 each and the winner gets all. We are on a point system and at the end of each week we turn in out points. Our challenge will end the minddle of March. I hope we will start it back up again after it is over for another one. It has really been more motivating to do it with others as well.
I am happy to report that I am down almost 10 lbs. since we started. I sometimes look in the mirror and wonder where it has gone but I feel it. There is still more improvement that needs to come but I am on my way. I have started to run in the mornings. Lance is kind enough to stay behind and watch the kids for me while I run. I used to laugh at all the people I would see running. Now I am the one running. I am not completely in love with it but it is refreshing to get out and be by myself for a little bit.
When it happens, it is going to be grand!!!!! Now don't get me wrong, I was not really heavy to start with. I just have had a lot of baby fat to get rid of.
I have had 5 babies in the last 8 years. Crazy to think that our family has gotten so big. We are loving it. But we are so tired too. Night time around our home, well, I won't talk about it because it only makes me more tired.
We have still been teaching our oils classes and it has been so much fun. We are seeing more new faces and more and more people are curious about them. I finally reached a certain point in the buisness where I am making enough money to cover my oils and then some. That has been a huge stepping stone for me. It only encourages me to do it more to make more money.
Lance is starting to build homes again. He is loving it. I am loving it too. It is so nice to see him happy doing what he loves most. Don't get me wrong, its not that he wasn't happy before, it's just that he is more happy now because he is back to building. If anyone needs a good builder, call my husband. He builds beautiful homes!
The kids are doing well. Andrew and Keaton are both in school during the day and so it is just Owen, Ellie and I left at home. Some mornings are quite, but most are pretty busy. Owen will be turning three pretty soon so he is always on the move. His passion right now are trains, so every morning we pull out the train set and put it together for him to play with. It never fails.
Ellie is loving solids. Her favorite is squash and pears. I have made all of her baby food this time around. I am not loving how much time and preperation that goes into it but I know that is the healthiest option, so that is what we are doing. She is cutting some more teeth. This time on the top. She is looking more and more grown up. I wish time could freeze for alittle longer at this stage. She is so much fun. The boys just adore her. She laughs her hardest for Keaton. Right now she has kind of a bad cough and runny nose but nothing that we can't handle. I have been using some essential oils and I feel confident in them. She is still not sleeping very well at night. That is about to change once she feels better.
Keaton, he is loving school. Learning so much. He is testing at and above his grade level. He is an excellent reader. He constantly amazes me. He loves to have his friend Logan from across the street come over to play Lego Ninjagos. They could do that all day long. He is a great big brother and a very good helper around the house. But he still has his moments of being snobby. Don't we all though?
Andrew, well can I just say that this child is the one child that keeps me on my toes. He is in preschool right now and just loves it. His teacher is fantastic and he is learning more than I could teach him here at home. His best little friend Tyler is in his group too. We have been good family friendds with Tyler's family for a very long time. They recently have become connected at the hip. They are together every day, whether it is at school or after school playing. They are so cute to watch. They are so much alike. It is so nice to see Andrew have his own friends. For so long he was always in Keaton's shadow, but now he has his own and it is very encouraging to him.
Life is good. The weather was really warm for awhile and then all of sudden winter had decided to turn back around. We are ready for spring/summer. Time to be outside.