April 1, 2013

It's another boy!

This may be old news for some of you since we found out the beginning of March that we are having another boy. Part of me is really excited and a big part of me is sad that Ellie won't get a sister. Oh well, what can we do?  When Lance and I went in for the ultrasound I thought for sure it was going to be another girl and the world would be perfect and Ellie would finally get some relief and have a sister to play with, but the ultrasound tech asked us first thing if we wanted to know the gender. Since I can't stand surprises we said we wanted to and there was no mistaking what we saw, a boy part :)
It still hasn't sunk in yet. The boys are thrilled that we will be adding another player to the baseball team. For now it will be just Ellie and I on the sidelines cheering them on.
Everything looks great and healthy. The doctor noticed again with this baby that he has enlarged kidneys as well. Ellie had the same thing while I was pregnant with her and they resolved themselves shortly after she was born. I guess the chances are 67% higher with pregnancies after that having the same thing. Very true in our case. The doctor is not worried at all. I am not worried this time either. We have another ultrasound a week from today to see how his kidneys are doing. Hopefully they are either the same size for have gone back down. Crossing our fingers. At least it is not a life or death situation.
We have a list of names but haven't really agreed solidly on any given name. I haven't even pulled out my baby clothes to see what we have an what I gave away. I guess it is time to get that out and see what we need to get.
We are in the process of finding our next lot to build on. Yep, you guessed it. Snyder's are building again. There are so many great choices to choose from so we hope to find something soon. Hopefully be moved in an settled before this baby comes. We will see.
Everyone is doing well. The boys are really busy with soccer and baseball season in full swing. We are running from practice to practice and then games on weekends. Life is pretty crazy.

I didn't take any pictures this year for Easter. Sorry I wasn't in the mood to sit behind a camera. I wanted to be out and about with them this year. We had a great Easter this year. The weather was magnificent and family was in town. The boys discovered their new favorite game, Annie, Annie over. Have you ever played it? I remember playing it at my grandmother's house growing up with my cousins. It was a favorite of mine as well.
We had a great dinner, fun guests, a piƱata and tons of candy. This year the Easter bunny brought all the Snyder children new bikes. They really needed them and they have been riding them non-stop. So the bunny scored this year with happy children.
Lance is extremely busy building homes. They are just beautiful too! It has been so much fun walking through all of them when they are done and the interior decorator has come to stage the house and get it ready to show. I am so impressed every time. I can't wait to build again.

I have been busy teaching a lot of essential oil classes. I hold them weekly in my home. We are having a lot of success with that. We are getting a lot of people interested in them and I am also teaching some reflexology with it as well. It has proven to be very beneficial. Life is really good. I am doing alright. I swear I have the largest Snyder baby a brewin' inside of me. I think I look like I am about due any day but I have another year until my due date on August 5th. Which will be a crazy weekend. Not only is it my due date and Ellie's birthday but Keaton's baptism as well. We shall see how this will all play out. Wish us luck.
I can't believe there are only 2 more months left until school is out. I keep telling myself that I need to start planning our activities not to save me from cramming it all in last minute. The boys are constantly asking me how many more days are left in the school year. They are ready for a break.
This past week was our Spring Break. We didn't do anything neat or too exciting this year. We stayed here at home and planned a few fun things. This morning it was back to school and they weren't too thrilled with that either.


F-A-N-G-U-P-O said...

First of all, congratulations on another handsome Snyder boy! Ellie will get to the the protected princess! So happy for you! Ova and I are trying to bulid our first home by the end of this year too...we're super duper excited and I have so many ideas floating around in my head. We're still bashing heads on the location though, I want to move back to Utah county, but he says he's "not ready" for Utah county, whatever that means...hahaha... anyways, love you Quinn! Keep bloggin :)

Melissa Snyder said...

Thanks Monica! Good luck with deciding where to build! That is a huge part of it. Sure miss ya!