Another day and we are making it through. The boys have been alittle cranky. Both have a bad cold, runny nose and just fussy. It isn't much fun when you are trying to battle them both. But we find things to do and it keeps them happy. Naps, well today they are happening. Keaton did pretty well and Andrew, well, he screams anytime I try to put him down so he is in his walker following Keaton around the house.
Seems like no matter how much I try to clean the house, once my boys get a hold of their toys you can't tell I spent all the time making it look nice. Oh well, I just don't put things away anymore until they are ready for bed. It makes life so much easier. My mom has a sign that reads, "A clean house is a sign of a wasted life." I think it is true. I just let them reak havic on the home, sometimes.
I came downstairs to find Keaton taking Andrews picture with a little keychain camara that Lance brang home from work one day. I had to stop and take a picture of that myself. Keaton has been a helper this afternoon trying to keep Andrew happy. I sure appreciated it.
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