December 5, 2007

The Croup

Well it has offically hit our home. Both boys have the croup. It is a horrible infection in their airways. We went to the doctors yesterday and they were both terrified of the doctor. It was just me and the boys. It is hard to hold and comfort two screaming boys at one time. But we made it! Andrew has a double ear infection too which doesn't help the situation. They both slept much better last night. Thanks to some medication that helped us out. We will keep our fingers crossed that the next couple of days are better.
Our next door neighbor Ricki brang over some Grapefruit seed extract. If you don't know what it is, it is a natural herb that is suppose to fight off bacterias, viruses, and other junk that we tend to get sick with. She told me that you mix it really well with something to drink so they can't taste it. It suppose to help cure it within a day or two. So we are putting it to the test. She said that it has been her "cure all" remedy.
Wish us luck. These are tough days for me and the boys.


laneyfamily said...

I am sorry to hear that, Keaton is sick now too? That sure makes for long days and nights huh? I hope they feel better soon. Where did you get the cute paper for your page?

Unknown said...

Let me know if you need help with the Grapefruit Seed Extract. I have eight years of trial and error to share, lol.
I hope they feel better soon.