If finally feels like Christmas with our Christmas tree up and decorated and all our decorations out. The boys have had a fun time plugging in our lights and singing Christmas songs and reading the fun stories. Keaton has discovered Santa Claus and it is so fun to see him react when he sees him. I love this time of year. The weather calls for snow and that makes it feel even more like Christmas. The movie we have really watched quite abit is the Polar Express. The boys really like that movie. It is a cute one, but has some interesting parts to it. I found it kind of odd. There is a good moral to the story and I loved the ending.
We have had some fun attending ward Christmas parties and other events. We can't wait for Santa to come!
Yeah- so Polar Express huh! We watched it the other night, I thought it was kind of scary for children. The man ontop of the train and the puppet coming to life, it kind of creeped me out. Oh well, I am glad they enjoyed it. Your house looks nice all decorated, did you get a real tree this year or is it fake? Love you lots!
I love the paper that you used for your background! I tried the link that reg gave me but it still didn't work?
Hey Reg,
We got a real one. It smells so good. We can't wait until you come! Keaton keeps waiting to see you every day. We have to explain that it will be a couple more days. He is excited as well as we are.
Love you have a great week
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