January 28, 2008

Sleep Deprivation

I can't begin to explain how tired our family is. This past week we have had to let Andrew cry it out at night. He has been getting up 2-3 times a night still to feed. The fact that he is a 1 yr. old now told us that it was time to cut all ties and just go for it. He has had a very hard time with it. We started last Sunday night and here we are a week later still going through it all. I can't believe that we waited this long with Andrew. You would have thought we learned our lesson with Keaton. He was about 18 months when we had to let him cry it out.

Andrew now refuses to go to sleep. He is afraid of his bed for some reason. He screams and screams. But we try not to interfere with him much. We are hoping this will help and in a few days we can be to the point where we get more than 5 hours of sleep a night. Naptime is horrible to. Does anyone know what to do? Has anyone else's kids done the same thing? Please tell me it is a phase they go through. We could use the encouragment right now.

Last night we heard of the passing of our dear beloved prophet Gordon B. Hinckley. It brang tears to my eyes as I was laying in bed thinking about it. But he must be so very happy to be reunited with his dear wife. What a joyous reunion that must have been. He will be greatly missed. May we continue to press on and follow the counsel of the prophet.


Michelle said...

I feel for you Melissa! It is so hard to listen to your babies cry. I hope that he will get used to his independence soon. Good luck!

Unknown said...

Hi Melissa! Are you just letting him cry, or are you going in every once in awhile to check on him and comfort him? I've seen it recommended that you start out letting them cry for say...five minutes, then going in and patting them, telling them they are okay and you're right here - it's time to sleep now, etc. and then leaving the room. Repeat, increasing the length of time you let them cry by five minutes.
You may already be doing that, I don't know. It's so hard! I can't do it. You are stronger than I. I just wait for a couple of weeks and try again when they might be more ready, lol. (Which could be forever for some kids...) :)

Suzanne said...

I've been there. It is so hard to hear them crying. Keep being patient. I am sure he'll figure out how to comfort himself and learn to sleep on his own. I've heard you do the checking in thing too. Only start with fifteen minutes. Really you know Andrew and what he needs just listen to your own heart and you'll know. I think every parent reaches a point when it's either your sanity or your child :) You've got this girl. The best thing you can do is be constant.
