Who has a balanced life? Certainly not me at the moment. I was reading an article in the Ensign about living a balanced life and it really hit me that I need to make a change. Lance and I made it to the temple last night for the first time in a long time. We scheduled to do some iniatories for my mom. She has always been so on top of preparing names to take the temple. I really admire her for that. As I was sitting there in the temple just this overwhelming peace came over me that I was where I needed to be. It was so nice to be there. I have made it a goal to try to attend every week.
Making time for personal scripture study and personal prayer. Having that just makes all the difference in my day.
Getting enough sleep. Thank goodness Andrew is sleeping through the night now I can enjoy that. I never realized just how important it was until I got it. I try to sneek naps in now and then while the boys are sleeping. I love to sleep!
Exercise! No that is something I have not tired out yet. I feel like I already get enough with both boys. Running, playing around and just trying to keep up with them is an work out in and of itself. I would love to sign up for yoga class. Anyone know where I can go? I have about 10 more pounds of baby fat I need to get rid of. It has not been easy keeping baby weight off. Everyone told me that nursing would reduce me down to size in a heartbeat but so far it hasn't worked for me.
I have been trying to eat better and the most important reducing the amount of food intake. I have been trying to get my kids to eat better but how do you get a child to love his vegetables? Keaton is always wanting a treat and when he doesn't get it he will scream bloody murder. That tells me right there that it needs to stop. We have been doing prettey well.
Anways, wish us luck. Hope you are all doing well. Keep posted for more.
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