How long have you been together?
Since December 2002
How long did you date?
dated from May to September 2002 and engaged from September -December 2002
How old is he?
He will be 29 this May
Who said I love you first?
I am pretty sure I said it first. That was the hardest thing for Lance to tell me.
Who is taller?
Who can sing better?
That would be Lance. He comes from a very musically talented family. I only sing when I am driving alone or in the shower.
Who is smarter?
Lance. He is so smart, everyone comes to him for answers. He is a pure genius.
Who does the laundry?
I do. That is what I spend half my days doing.
Who pays the bills?
I was in charge of the bills, but now I am not sure. I do most of it with the help of online services. I love that.

Who mows the lawn?
Lance does. I do it occasionally. I don't mind it at all.
Who cooks dinner?
I do. Lance is usually never around for dinner time. I don't really like cooking. I dread it everytime 5 o'clock rolls around.
Who drives?
Lance most of the time. Depending what car.
Who is more stubborn?
Who kissed who first?
Lance kissed me first. It was on my parents door step after a date. It took about 2 months after dating for him to kiss me.

Who asked who out first?
Our first date was a blind date, set up by my cousin. But Lance always asked me.
Who proposed?
Lance did. He had just gotten home from singing at a CES fireside down at the conference center. We were both attending BYU at the time. After he got home we went for a walk around the Provo temple and that is when he asked me. It was perfect.

Who has more friends?
We both have a lot of friends. But friends with whom we just hang out with. Hardly anyone. We pretty much keep to ourselves. We love to hang out and we do that every once in awhile. Lance makes friends where ever he goes. I have had many friends too.
Who is more sensitive?
Who has more siblings?
Lance = 10
Me = 2
Who wears the pants?
I like to think that Lance does. After all that is the man's role isn't it? But if you ask him, I do on certain issues. We both make decisions together. We are a team.

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