"Is the Easter Bunny coming mom?" That was the most frequent asked question Keaton would ask us this past week. How do you help a little child to understand that you have to wait, go to sleep while a creepy bunny comes to your house to bring you treats and a gift? Keaton would get alittle frightened when we would talk about the bunny coming to our home, so we had to explain to him that the bunny was just a little tiny one that would hop to our home and quietly bring the easter basket for him. He seemed ok with that answer.
We had a great Easter Sunday. We attended two wards, our own and then we also went to my parents sacrament meeting because my mom was being set apart as the new Relief Society President. My brother also spoke in his singles ward so we all went to see him too. I had forgotten how well he speaks. I also got to see a good friend of mine who is still single. She is such a great girl. We both served our missions at the same time and had some neat experience that were shared between us.
We had everyone over for Easter Dinner. It wasn't the greatest outside but we made due and it stayed fairly decent for the Egg hunt. Our good friends, neighbors and family members came over for a potluck dinner. It was so good. There was plenty of food to spare. It is so nice to have good friends. Our neighbors next door who are buying our home are great people. They are not members of the church but they just live good lives. They have triplets who will be turning 8 this spring. We consider them almost family.
Keaton and Andrew were spoiled for Easter. During church Grandpa Quinn came to our home and left a trail of jelly beans that lead to their easter baskets in their bedrooms with candy, toys and more candy. They loved it.
Thanks to everyone who made this such a special day. We love you all. We also love those of you who couldn't make it here to celebrate with us. We were thinking of you. Happy Easter everyone!
Cute, cute pictures! I wish we could have been there with you guys-maybe next year.
I love the idea of the jelly bean trail! Your dad is so cute.
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