Andrew was born on Dec. 22, 2006. I was induced almost a week early to prevent us from all being in the hospital on Christmas day. He weighed 8 lbs. 7 oz. and was 21 inches long. He was so ready to come and make his grand entrance. He didn't cry or scream. He was so alert and calm. He was an angel baby. We were so blessed to have him. Keaton was excited to have a brother.
Now that Andrew is walking and running around with Keaton, they have become such good friends. Andrew is constantly in his shadow if it is a good day. They both love sports, playing outside and just being together. It is so fun to watch them interact with each other. Keaton has tried to help me out quite abit with Andrew. It has allowed me to sit back and watch them.

One of my favorite quotes that I have is that "A brother is better than a superhero." I think in our case that would be true. I feel so blessed to be their mother. They have brought me so much happiness. I guess you could say I am desperatly in love with my children.
Hi Melissa! This is Amanda (Martindale)! You have the cutest little family. And that is such a sweet blog about your boys. I am excited to see your blog and see what is going on with your family! Sounds like things are great!
Its funny how Keaton still looks the same as his baby pictures but Andrew doesn't a bit! You have the most handsome little boys I have ever seen.
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