I realize that I have posted quite a bit today but there is a lot that I want to write about and pictures that I would like to post for you all to see. Today we finally got an updated family picture of the four of us. Aren't we a cute bunch?
We had a fun evening with Lance on his birthday. We made a big steak and potatoe dinner for him over at my parents home. We had a fun time with my family and then we all headed back over to our home for cake and ice cream.
We had a lot of family and friends over. It was crazy go nuts at our home. Little kids everywhere while we all sat back and enjoyed each other's company. Thanks to all of you who came and supported Lance on his birthday. It meant a great deal to him. Happy Birthday Babe!
On a different note, my children have been off their schedules and it is driving my nuts! Both of them are up now at least once if not twice a night now. Andrew used to be such a great sleeper and now he is up. Am I the only one that has children who do that? Getting up with them at night leaves me really tired come 7 o'clock in the morning when Keaton is bouncing on our bed asking for breakfast. Maybe I am just growing more impatient but it has really been wearing me down. I wish we could really just wake up and pretend this has all been a dream. Let us hope that this new week we can start again clean and fresh. Let's start over boys! Here we go.......
Lance & Melissa!
Hey guys! I just found your cute blog! I found you through Kim Matthews' blog...we went to high school together. I'll add your link to my blog to keep tabs on your family!
Mel, It's been awhile sense I've had to time check blogs. It's fun to hear that stuff about you. I'll have to do the tag sometime. Your home is so great. YOur kids are so cute, your family looks great. Love ya, Suz
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