This year we decided to try and plan a day camp for the Youth in our ward. This really worked, it was an amazing experience for our youth and they came away with stronger friendships. Here's what we did-
Everyone met at the church on Saturday morning about 6:15 a.m and we all loaded up in our cars and headed up to the Pancheri's Cabin up by McCall. They own about 1800 acres of some of the most beautiful forest in Idaho. It was just gorgoues. I can't even begin to describe how beautiful the drive was. It was early morning, the sun was just peaking over the mountains and it was nice and crisp outside. The drive up was about an hour and a half. Thank goodness I followed some of the leaders up there because this campsite was so hidden, we would never have found it. Sorry to all those who were in my truck. We went pretty fast around those windy roads, some got carsick and some got dizzy. But good news, we made it!!
Our day was planned to the T. It was based from Elder Dallin H. Oaks' talk "Good, better and best." It was an opportunity for the youth to improve their leadership skills, feel a great love for the Savior and to become a closer nit youth. We had a great number of youth show up. I was very impressed! We have some amazing leaders also. They are so fun to work with. Lets just say I have the best calling ever! I love working with the youth.
We had great talks, fun team building games, really yummy food, thanks Tiffany for preparing it! You did a great job!
The young men and young women just got along so well. Everyone was put into a group and they were assigned that group for the day. We planned skits, had tug-o-wars and volleyball challenges. By the way, the leaders beat the youth at the tug-o-war contest. They were quite the challenge.
The perfect way to end the perfect activity was with a sweet testimony meeting. Almost every singler person that attended got up to bear their testimonys. I was so touched with how many mentioned that "today was the best day." It was the one of the best days!
Then what would be a youth gathering without a water fight. With all the water left over in our coolers we all just had fun getting wet. It was a wild water fight.
I think this will become a tradition in our ward to have with the youth.
so you call andrew drew? I didn't know that. I guess that leaves the name open. I think i'd call my boy Andy. Then when they're together we can call them Andydrew
so you call andrew drew? I didn't know that. I guess that leaves the name open. I think i'd call my boy Andy. Then when they're together we can call them Andydrew
i dont know why that posted twice. wierd.
Richard Lape married my roommate freshman year. Her name is Gretchen. You served with him? How funny. He's a great guy, I really like him.
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