Name: Keaton Robert
Age: almost 3 yrs. old
Favorite activity (-ies): He loves anything with action. He loves to play baseball non-stop. He loves to go swimming, ride his bikes and play with friends and family.
Favorite foods: TREATS! It is hard to get this guy to eat anything, but a few things he likes are corndogs, apples, grapes, farleys, and anything sweet.
Least favorite foods: Veggies! Anything that is good for you he won't really eat unless we help him with it.
Favorite Music: For some reason he realy likes the song from Weezer - Beverly Hills, Bumble Bee, Book of Mormon stories and take me out to the ball game.
Favorite toys: He loves balls, and bats. He doesn't really have a favorite toy, he just loves to play with anything and everything.
Favorite books: He loves Miss Mooley, Beauty and the Beast, and a stack of other books we have at home.
Favorite items: Baseball mitt, baseball bat, Diego scooter and his blanket.
What makes me happy: Eating treats, and playing, also when I don't have to take a nap
What makes me sad: Movies will sometimes make me cry when they are sad ones, no treats and when I don't take my naps. I am pretty crabby!
Name: Andrew Dean
Age: 18 months
Favorite activity(-ies): Being with Keaton. Taking a bath, eating and eating some more.
Favorite foods: He will eat pretty much anything you give him but he loves, loves, loves candy
Least favorite foods: He doesn't like veggies too much,but he will eat beans. There really isn't too much that he doesn't like.
Favorite Music: Theme song from the Care Bear Movie, and anything that is on the radio. He loves being sung to.
Favorite toys: Whatever is around, he is pretty content to just sit and play.
Favorite books: Anything that has flaps or that pops up.
Favorite item(s): His two pacifiers and his blanket.
What makes me happy: Being with my big brother Keaton and eating popsicles.
What makes me sad: When I wake up before Keaton during naptime and he is still asleep. I also don't like it when people take my binky out of my mouth.
We tag: Hunter, Dakota, Breelyn, and all of our other friends and family that are reading this.
That is cute, Mel. I didn't know they were so close in age. My first two are 17 months apart. But it's worked out well for us because they play together and can do most of the same things.
Kind of a fun tag huh? You have such cute boys! If I ever have one he is going to have a hard act to follow. I love your little boys, they make me laugh!
I think Jeffy's email is I stay in touch with quite a few of the same old dudes. Nick is living south of SLC working for Micron Flash. Let's get together one of these weekends, we'd like to meet your family.
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