I just had to write about this because I am still laughing about it. Every night before our boys go to bed we kneel down as a family for family prayer. Keaton usually says it because he loves it. So tonight we knelt down and he started his prayer and it went something like this...
"Heavuny Fader fankful for mommy and daddy, bwess sis Tanner, bwess Uncle John on mission, bwess me at school, bwess my eyes to be strong and that we can eat carrots and we don't push, we don't hit and we don't kick.
Bwess us to sweep all night in our beds," and then out of now where Keaton farts and then he pauses and looks around and then says "Excuse me!" and then continues on with his prayer. Lance and I were dying. It was so hard not to laugh when your son is trying so hard to be reverent saying the prayer. After he said amen we just lost it. He wasn't quite sure what was going on but both of the boys just started laughing too.
I love hearing Keaton say his prayers. Heavenly Father must have sense of humor because these sweet kids say the darndest things.
Don't you just love little boys!!! They are so fun and cute, and the things that come out of their mouths! Crazy!
That is really funny- he is so cute. Keaton sure says some really funny things sometimes, makes you wonder where he heard it from!
That is hilarious you guys. Keep us posted on the new one.
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