(me and all my sister-in-law minus 2 others)
I got home late Wednseday night around 8:30 p.m. and then had enough time to wash clothes, clean my house and get packed up again leave for Utah. Every other year my in-laws have a family reunion. This year it happened to be in Arizona and since it was so far away we decided to have a get together with all the siblings that wouldn't make it down there in Provo. We left Thursday morning and got home this evening.
I love my in-laws. What a great group of people. They are so different from my family but that is what makes them them. Lance is the 4th of 10 children and it is fun to get together with all of them. We don't see them much so when we get together they know who to have a fun time. Everyone was there minus 3 siblings. John, in Brazil on his mission, Lee and Jaclyn who live in Arizona and couldn't make it and Shauna and her family because of the same reason as Leea and Jacly. We sure missed you guys!
We went swimming, shopping, and stayed up late every night just talking. That didn't help with my girls camp hangover but we aren't going anywhere anytime soon so hopefully we can all catch up on some sleep. My boys were hammered.
On our way home we stopped in Twin Falls to see my cousin Becky and her kids who just recently moved there. It was fun to see them. Kimberly, Idaho is a very small town. I couldn't believe how redneck it really was. No offense Becky, we still love you. We saw their brand new home that they have built. It is a very nice home. We can't wait to come over and stay a weekend. We also took the boys to see the Twin Falls Templs. The open house is until the middle of August. We didn't have time to go in but we are going back on Friday with my family who got tickets for us. I think they will really enjoy that. Keaton keeps asking me questions about the temple. He is intrigued by the Angel Moroni on top.
Keep posted for more pictures to come. Here are some from our week in Utah.
(this was the water slide we brang up so the kids could play on it. It was a hit)
(my neice Emma, with the best bitter beer face)
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