Last night we got tickets to attend the Sara Evans concert. We went and I am so glad we did. My parents babysat all the kids and we went with some my siblings and a friend who I graduated high school with, Iris Anson. It was so much fun. I had never been to an outdoor concert before. It was packed, with people, drunks and the most rednecks I have ever seen. There were two opening acts for her which made it really long. They were One Flew South and then a new artist James Otto. It took about 2 hours for us to wait for Sara Evans, but it was worth it. She was so great in concert. She has natural talent and she was very entertaining. I would go again in a heartbeat. I love all of her songs. In fact, I own all of her cd's.
We had an incounter with a young drunkerd. She was probably only 15-16 yrs. old and she was poorly dressed. Proorly as in a tiny little prom dress convered in purple sequence and a pink bra showing. It was the tackiest outfit I have seen in a long time. Thanks everyone, who went with us. It was so much fun!

1 comment:
I always enjoy hanging out with you and Lance, thank you for coming!!!
Love ya,
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