Tonight I went with my sister to a friends house for a Nu Skin Party. I couldn't believe all the amazing products there were. GiGi Davis, Brittany's mom, was there to present it all to us. I was so overwhelmed with information that it was almost frustrating. I was interested in a lot of things, for instance the Galvanic System. Has anyone used these products before? I think I am going to try their line of Pre-natals. It is very expensive but if the outcome is far greater than it is risk it isn't it?
I would have to save and save to afford it but I think it is worth it. What do you think? I would like imput if anyone has used this stuff before. Anyone????
Check in out at Nuskin.com if you would like.
Thanks for coming with, it sure was a fun night!
did you have your ultrasound yesterday?!
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