November 17, 2008

Random thoughts

I have been away for awhile. It's not that I don't have the time, its just that I just don't have anything to post about. We are just doing the same ole stuff that we always do. There hasn't been anything new or exciting yet but that should change after next week when we find out what we are having. Our ultrasound is scheduled for the 24th, next Tuesday afternoon. I am really really excited. I am crossing my fingers for a girl. I have my doubts though and I am thinking I will probably have another boy, like the last ultrasound suggested. We will see. We will keep you posted.
Keaton and Andrew are both as crazy as ever. Keaton and Andrew either are the best of friends or the worst of enemies. Most of the time its Keaton getting after Andrew. Seldom do I find that Andrew is crying or fussing over nothing. He will usually find me where ever I am and say "Key Key, hit me." It is the cutest too. Andrew is really starting to talk more and more. His words are still cut off but I can understand pretty much everything he says. It's true when they say "only a mother understands her toddler best." Uusally everyone has to turn to me to see what he is saying. But most of it now you can understand what he is trying to get to. He will be turning two on Dec. 22. My baby is growing up.
Keaton has been a busy body. I think 3 years old is the new terrible two. He is always looking for some thing to do and something to get into. He is a very curious boy. He is always asking, "Mom, what did you say?" or "Why?" to everything. He loves to talk and tell stories. He is always wanting your attention. He is doing really well in school. He LOVES it! He comes home everytime so excited to tell me all the things he has learned. He is sleeping horribly at night. He is my night time waker. He always finds an excuse to stay up or come down the stairs. Lately he has been waking up at midnight, stands at the top of the stairs and just screams until he is ready to come down. I have been so frustrated with that. I am really grumpy when I don't get a good nights rest. I think these boys are preparing me for when the baby comes. But other than that, I love my boys! They are my life! I can't remember what life was like before them.
I am still pretty busy with Young Women's. We have 7 Miamaids right now. That is the most we have had since I came in in February. We love it! Last week for our mutual activiy we went to see High School Musical #3. I am not sure if you have ever seen taht but when it first started I started laughing so hard. I thought it was really silly. I am not a fan of those kinds of movies. It was a modern day "Grease." But the girls had a great time and my other two advisors are really into the movie with their children also. We were the only ones in the theater thank goodness, because the girls were so loud.
Lance has been trying to stay busy. He is not really working too much on doing the Loan processing stuff anymore. He has started his own buisness called Sunrise Builders, Inc. He has been getting around 8-12 calls everyday for possible build jobs. We are optomistic that something good will come of it. He is really excited to get it up and running. I hope that this works. Wish us luck.
So far, no one has offered on our home. We are ok with that right now. Whether we stay or go does not matter right now. We are content just to be here and in this area. We love Star! We love our ward and we have a great group of friends that we have become close to.
The Lord is blessing us with so much now. I sometimes forget to step back and look at all the great things that are happening to us. Thanks for all your thoughts, prayers and smiles. We LOVE you all!


Adele said...

What do you mean you have nothing to blog about?!? My goodness, you sound like there's all sorts of excitement at your house. Good luck with the business... and the house... and everything else!

Brittany said...

No had a ton to say! Where were you guys going to move to if you do sell your home?? I hope the new business works out for ya! Maybe we'll see you at Thanksgiving.