Christmas time is finally here. We have pretty much set up all we want to do right now. Since we won't be home for Christmas this year I decided not to go all out this year but I did enough to make it feel like it. I wanted to post some pictures of what we have been doing as of late. The boys have been so excited to set it all up and get the lights on. Their favorite is to turn off all the lights expect the christmas ones and just stare at them. We had a lot of fun putting on the decorations on our tree this morning.
I love this time of year. I love everything about Christmas. Celebrating the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the smells, the sounds and the food that comes with it all. I LOVE it all!!! It is even more fun when you can experience it through little children. They make it all worth it. Christmas time is really just for them. We are starting some new traditions this year as a family. One, we will have a candy making day. I am in the process of making my boys some Christmas aprons to wear when we make all the yummy things. I really want to make it special for my family. Enjoy our pictures!
Love your decorations
I love Christmas lights!! Especially when they are the only lights you have on. Love your decorations.
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