We have been in Arizona since Thursday of last week and I must say we are doing really well. The weather has been so beautiful and the the kids are doing really well. We are all happy and having fun with Lance's family. One of the great highlight so far of our vacation was seeing John come home from his mission last Friday. He got in early in the morning so we loaded everyone up and headed to the airport to see him. We had quite the crowd. There were over 30 of us. There were 6 new neices and nephews to meet and two new sisters-in-law. He had quite the welcoming crowd. We hardly recognized him. He was pretty tan and pretty blonde. He had been traveling for 24 hours and was just really tired.
I love seeing missionaries come home. It is the highlight of every missionaries mission. Coming off that plane and seeing your family which you haven't seen for two years is quite the emotional experience.
We are so glad he is home. We have really enjoyed hearing his mission stories, listening to all the amazing experiences and listening to the crazy music. Welcome home John! We sure missed you! Well done thou good and faithful servant!
my niece Heidi with her sunglasses. Isn't she so cute!
My nephew Dallin with the welcoming home sign.
All the Snyder grandkids to welcome him home.
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