Well I am just cruzing along and this pregnancy is coming to an end faster than I expected. But lately it has been getting pretty uncomfortable and then it the time starts to slow down because you realize just how miserable you feel. I am going in to see the doctor every week now. It is fun to see how much this little guy is progressing. We are planning for a big boy this time. That is what the doctor predicts. Since Keaton weighed 9lbs. 9 oz. and Andrew, being a week early weighing in at 8lbs. 7oz. we can possible expect another big boy. That is ok, because I love all the chubbiness that comes with them. People are asking me if I am having twins, but as far as I know, there is only one in there.
Nights are getting pretty icky. The acid reflux really does a great job and haunting me if I eat anything past 7 o'clock. Which makes it hard because lately I feel like eating a full course meal around 10 at night. Tums have become my good friend, but seems no matter how many I take, they just aren't doing their job. My back is out of whack and it gets pretty painful loading, carrying kids and cleaning the house. I can't wait until this little guy can come so he is not just a huge stomach.
The boys are getting pretty excited for him to come. We talk about him every night before they go to bed. They have had fun helping me fold his little clothes. We still don't have a name picked out but we are liking Gavin or Owen. Someone mentioned the name Hudson and I kind of liked that. We will see.
On another note, my sister-in-law Shelli had her baby yesterday. Come to find out today there were some complications and the baby now has pnemonia. Shelli first wanted to try with her midwife and then after about 3 hours of pushing the baby was not in the correct position to come and so they called in for a doctor to help out. She came close to having a c-section but they used forceps and she was able to come out. But she had some liquid in her lungs and so now she is in the NICU sick. And also from what I hear Shelli had to have a blood transfusion today too do to the loss of blood during labor. Shelli, you are such a brave woman. Poor little one. I have yet to see pictures but Eldon, my brother-in-law says she sure is cute. Shelli, Chiara and Eldon, you are in our prayers.
I guess I can consider myself lucky because my longest labor has been 5 hours and I have only had to push, the longest, 20 minutes and that about did me in. I have not had any problems and my babies have all been healthy and safe. I am so thankful for the medical help that is available. I believe in hospitals, epidurals, and all that good stuff that makes the amazing experience of giving birth more enjoyable.
Melissa -- I had really bad acid reflux with Alaina. They told me to take Zantac (??). I think that's what it was. It worked for awhile and then I got a prescription for something else. But it helped so much. It's makes a huge difference, try it out if you can! Good luck!
Hey Melissa -- I keep looking at your countdown clock thinking.... really??? Has it been 8 months already. It's shocking how fast time flies. How exciting, though! So sorry to hear that Shelli had such a hard time of things. Praying for you and all your family.
Love the name Hudson! I can't believe how fast your pregnancy has gone for me! Lol. So, just a side-note, my sister Melanie (the one in your ward) took tums during her pregnancy. Well a month or so after she had the baby, she had kidney stones (I think that's what it was? Anwyay, it was bad, whatever it was). The Dr. told her it was from too much calcium build-up from the tums! He said to NEVER take tums, especially while you're pregnant. Not to scare you, but thought I'd warn you. You should ask her about it. :) I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Almost done! It's funny hearing you say what pregancy is like...I forgot about acid reflux! Oh, it's aweful. But it will all be over soon, and if you're like me, you won't even remember what it was like. So weird!!
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