Today is Sunday and the boys are at church and it is just Owen and I this morning. It has been so peaceful and so quiet. I actually have had time to think about this past week and all the craziness it has brought into our lives. Owen is almost a week. He will be tomorrow and this week went by so fast and yet so slow. We have had quite a few adjustments but I think we are doing well.
Since I have some time to myself a few people have emailed and called wondering how the labor and delivery went. Lance and I had to be to Labor and Delivery by 7 am last Monday morning to be induced. The doctor told me that he wanted to get him here on a schedule in fear that if my water broke somewhere between our home and the hospital the baby would be born somewhere along the way. When we checked in we were the only ones there and then I think about 10 minutes into signing the papers and registration about 5 other couples showed up to be induced also. It was a busy morning for the Labor and Delivery unit. They got us into our room pretty quick. They hooked me up to the Pitocin and an I.V. and then we waited for awhile for that to kick in. Now mind you I was already dialated to a 6 when we got there so I knew this one would come fast. My doctor came in and checked me around 9:30 and I was dialating to almost a 7. He told me if I wanted my epidural to get it then so he could break my bags of water. So we called in the doctor. Epidural went great and fast. A lot of pressure but they are worth it right?
Well about 10:30 am the doctor came in to break my water and I was feeling quite abit of pressure. I could feel the contractions starting to come fast and hard adn asked why the epidural wasn't kicking in. The nurse, who we just loved, told me to give it some time. But time went by and still no numbness. Alittle bit but not much. Then about 11 a.m. I was really feeling it. I told the nurse I needed to push and that he was coming and so she checked and sure enough I was fully dialated. So she called in the doctor and we started to push. I have never felt so much pain in my life. I was so uncomfortable, I just wanted them to pull him out. When they make you sit up and pull your knees practically up to your face and then tell you to push as hard as you can when you can't breath it was pretty intense. After only about 12 minutes of pushing Owen was born at 11:12 a.m. He came out screaming and beautiful. He weighed 9 pounds 4 ounces and 21 1/2 inches long. He has some dark brown hair. More hair than any of my other boys had. He is so beautiful. I love all the little rolls he already has on his legs and thighs.
I have recovered pretty fast. I really didn't tear at all which the doctor commented was amazing considering how big he was. I feel great and I have already lost all the weight I gained with Owen. Now I just need to work on the extras from Keaton and Andrew.
I can't believe how different Owen looks. Everyday he changes and we are not sure who he looks like yet. Most think he looks like Keaton. I agree to some extent but I see a little bit of Andrew in him too. Time will tell.
The boys are doing well. I am having a hard time trying to dedicate my time to each of them. It has been nice because Owen sleeps pretty much the whole day so I have been able to focus on the boys and help them out.
Andrew is very curious about feeding time. He likes to sit close and try to observe what is going on. Keaton already knows and isn't curious. He just sits back and waits until he is done feeding and then they both like to help burp him.
The first week so far has been great. I am keeping my fingers crossed that it stays that way. Owen is sleeping 3-4 hours at a stretch at night. He is nursing really well and he is just a very happy baby. We love him so much.
Wow, I hope you don't have to pay for an epidural that didn't work. That stinks! I'm glad it went by fast though...I can't imagine pushing for 2 hours like I did without pain killer. He sounds adorable. Glad you're doing well, and way to go with the weight. I wish I had been that way!!
That's so great you guys! It's nice to know that labors do go right sometimes. :) Hope the recovery is fast!
CONGRATS Quinn...he is gorgeous! I can't believe you had an almost 10 lb. baby.... that's HUGE! I'm so happy for your, your little family is growing bigger!!
He is so adorable!
What a beautiful little dude! Glad you are doing well. I can't imagine an epidural not working. Seriously! You poor thing.
And I love the name, Owen!
Congrates on your baby! How fun. I know I am a little late on that just life gets crazy and I dont get a chance to catch up on all my blogging. He is so cute! It is so weird to me that here we are grown up with big families. I cant believe Im a mom of four and your a mom of three wow! Turning 30 was the real eye opener. So crazy!
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