This past week I took both of the boys to see the dentist for the very first time. I was alittle nervous about how they would actually do and this week I am happy to report that they did awesome. They were so excited. My sister's father-n-law, who is also in our ward is a dentist. So we thought we would try it out. Both boys let them clean their teeth in exchange for a water fight with the little water hose that they use to rinse out your mouth. They both earned new toothbrushes and a special toy from the treasure chest.
Keaton passed with flying colors. No cavities and Dr. Laney even commented on how well we does with his brushing and flossing. Andrew was another story. Over the past 3-4 weeks we have noticed two teeth in particular that had dark spots on them. I told Lance and he told me to wait it out so I was the good wife and I did that. Well they had gotten progressivly worse and I am sad to report that Andrew needs two pulpotomys done. What is that you ask? Well they are pretty much root canals. Yep, I said it root canals. So on Tuesday we have to take him into a peridontist to see what they can do. I guess sometimes they go to the hospital to do the procedure so they can put them out completely so they have no recolection of what happened to them so there is no bad taste for the dentist in their mouth. We will wait to find out this week. Thank goodness we don't have dental insurance. :) I think Andrew has inheritated my bad tooth enamel. I hope he has better luck with his teeth than I did with mine. We will keep you all posted. Wish us luck! My poor Andrew!
Oh no! No dental insurance sucks! Both of my older kids have had 4 cavities filled and our dentist is awesome! He never told them he was giving them shot and they never figured it out. My teeth suck too and I think I passed that on. I hope you get it all figured out and Andrew does well with it. Good luck!
Both my girls have had pulpotomies. They were done in the hospital completely knocked out. They love there silver teeth though!!
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