1. Owen
As much as I love this little guy, he has driven me crazy with sleepless days and nights. Is it any wonder why I am so drained also? I think he wants the constant attention. If I am not holding him then he wakes up. I think I have spoiled this one too much. I have been swaddling him at night and now every other hour he is breaking through it and during the night I can hear rrriiiippppp! Yep, he broke out again. So we are trying to get him used to sleeping without it. He does better on his tummy than his back. But lately he has discovered how to roll over and he freaks out, thus causing sleepless days and nights. Does it ever end? I can't remember from past children. I am open for any suggestions up to this point. I am letting him cry it out but seriously an hour later he is still going strong. HELP!!!!!!
Andrew has discovered that there are better things to do than to take naps. He has started to request my presense until he falls alseep. First of all, its impossible since I have a baby that is up 24/, and second of all I have to try and get Keaton down as well. All he wants is treats. I think he has tooth decay in two of his teeth. We will see when he goes to the dentist on Thursday. He is a cuddle bug lately. I love it! But it can be too much at times.

Keaton has started preschool again. He has been loving every minute of it. He always has the itch for a 4 wheeler ride. He had his very own and the other day I spent about a half hour just trying to figure out how to start with no such luck. You should have seen the look on his face when he knew it wasn't going to start. So sad. He belongs outside. His bike is his new hobby and he loves exploring. I have to keep a close watch on him, if I don't he will wonder off and I have no idea where he has gone to.

Lance. As much as I love this man of mine, I can't stand it when he is away. He is gone quite abit for work and he warned me last night, " Just consider me gone for the next two weeks. You aren't going to see me and I won't be around to help much." That was pretty bold. Pre-Paid Legal has launched a new website he swears is going to make us millionaires. He has been working really hard to provide for our family and he is doing a great job. He is just gone a lot and that has been hard for me. He has found confidence and loves the people on his team he is working with. Thanks to all of you who take care of my husband while he is away.
5. Me
I am in love with my children! They are my life and I couldn't imagine my life without them. All I need is a break. Just a short one and one where I can relax, read and just sleep. Could it really happen? Mabye one day. But for now, I will put up with the fighting, the screaming, a baby crying and an absent husband. I am in the process of finding myself. So these blogs may become few in numbers. I am finding time for me and the things I remember enjoying at one time in my life. I am losing the weight I have gained over the past 4 years of having kids one after another. It has not been easy but I am happy to report, it is coming off and I am loving the smaller sizes that come with shedding this extra weight.
Thanks for taking care of us. You all know who you are. Thanks for loving us and letting us into your homes for breaks. It has been so nice.
I am ok. Don't worry. Just a hard day so I had to vent to someone. If you made it this far, you must be a good friend. Thanks for listening.
Melissa...I feel ya with the exhaustion! Some days are better than others, but there are times I feel like I am on the verge of a total mental and physical collapse! :) Macie is the same way with needing to be swaddled - she sleeps better if she is swaddled but she's started breaking out of it. So I've been looking up suggestions online and one thing that sounded like a good idea was to buy one of those sleep sacks (the pajamas that are like a sack with a zipper, I think?) but rather than putting the baby's arms through the sleeves, tie the sleeves and just keep the baby's arms inside. That way they can't break out of it. You could even swaddle him in a light blanket and then put him inside the sleep sack. Anyway...I haven't gotten a sleep sack yet, so I don't know from experience if this would really work but it sounded like a good idea. Good luck! This mom thing sure is tough...but rewarding at the same time.
Wow can I relate. These last 2 days have been SO dang hard. My kids suck the life and energy right out of me. Our kids are close in age and I can totally relate to all you said about them. My husband is so good to help....most days....I cant imagine doing it alone. Hang in there. It is good to know im not the only mom who struggles.
Hey Melissa- we missed hanging out with you today! If you need any help watching the boys or just want some free time I would love to take them for a few hours! I hope you get a good nights sleep!
Hey Mel,
It was so good to hear from you. Sorry Im not the best at keeping in touch. As far as finding time to blog, I dont that's why everything has to come at once. I was up until 3 am last night writing everything up. If I dont blog it it will never get written. Sadly it's the only journal I keep. Your kids are so cute!!!! What cute little boys. Walt just turned 6 months, I didnt introduce food until the day he turned 6 months. I didn
t want to to mess with it. My parents are done with their mission on the 24th of this month but will take around 9 days to drive home. So I am not sure of the exact date I am hoping they make it by the 2 of October. We'll see. I'd love to see you. I miss you a ton.
Love ya, Suz
Savannah and Hunter were awful sleepers in the beginning too - always wanted to be held. Savannah wouldn't even fall asleep unless someone was holding her. But I found a great tip that basically saved my sleep - and sanity. Take one of their favorite blankets and sleep with it for one night. Then lay it in the crib/basinett underneath the baby (tuck it into the sides of the crib to keep it there). It helps them sleep longer because the blanket smells like you and tricks them into thinking that they are being held by you. It worked with both my kids. Give it shot. I hope it helps. And don't feel bad about feeling overwhelmed. We all have those days where we miss something about our lives pre-babies. You're not alone - I'm right there with you. : )
I wish I loved closer to you! My parents live in Glenns Ferry now so maybe we could hook up in Boise sometime when we come to visit. I have a friend (Stacy Wilson) from back home in Cali who lives in Star now. Maybe you know her?
I am sorry that sweet Owen isn't sleeping very well for you. And the your hubby is gone a lot. That must make life hard somedays. I hope you have a good day today.
Just rememeber sis, sacrifices brings blessings....you are an awesome mother/wife/friend.... hang in there girl, it WILL get better! Love you!
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