This year we did it again! It is by far the greatest idea the wards in our area have come up with. We LOVE it! The boys LOVE it! This year we started at 4:45 p.m. and we were done by 6 p.m.. The parking lot was completely full of cars and kids. The boys had so much fun running from trunk to trunk saying "Trunk or Treat." Andrew really got into it this year. They were both so excited all day long anticipating all the candy that would fill their buckets. Well they got it alright and Lance and I couldn't be more excited. Because that means that we get to eat some while they are sleeping. But this year we have to be careful because they have already kept inventory of everything that is in their buckets. This is crazy!
We met up with my sister Rachel and her cute little family. Ava this year was a lion. She borrowed Keaton's costume that he wore two years ago and I must say she was quite cute in it.
It was nice to see some familiar faces since the ward last split. It has been a fun event that we wouldn't miss for anything each year.

Thanks everyone for making it a fun year for my family. We LOVE Halloween! Until next year!