I LOVE Black Friday. I have always LOVED Black Friday. I am not sure why. Seems like almost everyone I know hates it. They don't like the traffic, the crowds or all the strange people that start lining up for a good deal at midnight. I stand alone in these lanes, because no one I know will go with me. Excpet for my dad, who went with me this year. Lance was generous to watch the boys while I went out and accomplished all my christmas shopping, thank you very much.
No, I did not wake up at 3 am to get out and start shopping. I got to sleep in until 6:30 am. and I got out the door by 9 am. The streets were clear. I couldn't believe it and then we knew why, because everyone was parked and shopping. It was crazy at some stores. We went to Target, Toys 'R Us and then we tried to go to Kohl's but that was a joke. That store is still too knew around here and there is only one so that is why it was ridiculous. We took one step in the store, saw how long the lines were and ran right back out. I didn't care how good of a deal it was, that line was not worth it.
One of these days, I will have some daughters who will love to shop with me, or find a good friend/family member to go with me. Until then, it will just be me, myself and I. A huge thanks to you dad for going with me. Love ya!
hey - I like it, too. doesn't it feel so good to have your shopping done!?
I'll go with you when I move back. I am one good deal finder.
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