We arrived about 15 minutes before the movie started and we were worried that we would be stuck sitting in the worst seats in the theater, the very front row. But luckily we found four seats at the very top. Which is the best spot if you ask me. There is no one behind you to bug you and you can see almost everyone, because I am a people watcher too.
We wanted to get something to eat so my sister Rachel and I went down to get something before it started. She was in line before I could catch to her and I saw her laughing. Consessions are such a joke. They wanted $18 for a large popcorn and two medium drinks. Insane? I think so. So we settled for one large popcorn and one large drink for $13. Was it worth it? Absolutely not but we were hungry so we did it. We just made sure every single kernel of popcorn was eaten and the rootbeer was all consumed.
Everyone has had several different opinions of this movie. Everyone who was in favor for Edward prior to this movie is now in favor of Jacob. I am in the same boat. Yes, I must admit, I have always cheered for Edward. But during New Moon, I was cheering for Jacob.
I wasn't a huge fan of the long, indian hair due but after he cut his hair, oh boy! He looked completely different. Funny thing was, I was told before that when Jacob would take his shirt off the crowd would go crazy. They were right. When Jacob took his shirt off all the girls in the audience went crazy. Yes, he was very good looking and yes, he is very built but I didn't see the reason to make a fuss over it. Edward on the other hand, was tall, skinny, and very pale looking. Did anyone notice that his abs were painted on him? I had a good laugh. He was very unhealthy looking in the movie. Not a fan of that.
The acting was a step up from Twilight. Twilight was horrible. I had to see it because I had read all the books in almost one week. I was disappointed with Twilight. It was very slow and it started to get good when it ended. I hating waiting a whole year to see the next one. New Moon was a little better. The acting on Edward's part was pitiful. Jacob, was much better and Bella, well she was still terrible too. Why can't they find good actors. I was suprised that Dakota Manning was in it too. She did terrible.
So after seeing the movie, I give it a thumbs down. I wasn't too impressed. Will I see the next one when it comes out? Of course, because you can't finish half way through. Hopefully Eclipse will prove itself to be the best of the three. With more $ you can afford better acting, props and screening.
Sorry to all you Twilight fans who loved the movie and are reading this. It was nice to get out though. Overall it was ok. Everyone else with me thought the same thing too.
How funny.... I totally agree that Jacob looks 100% better w/ short hair. The acting wasn't the greatest, but I still liked the movie.... I was thinking that I would rather sit in a movie that's 4 hours long and covers the whole book, than to have them leave so many parts out...but I liked it! Glad you had a fun girls night out! :)
It was fun going with you. Justina said that you looked really good, she thought you looked super skinny so I thought I would pass that on. I am still losing sleep on the fact that I spent 10 dollars of my own money for popcorn and a drink- what was I thinking? Oh well, it was fun!!
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