December 26, 2009


This year was a quite one for us. We didn't do any traveling. We stayed put and we didn't do much of anything. My sister got really sick the Wednseday before and I felt so bad for her. Then Wednseday night I went out shopping with my brother to get the last minute stuff he needed and then we headed back to my parents house to wrap everything. I walked into their house and I instantly felt really really crappy. I felt nausea and so I decided to eat some crackers to see if it was because I hadn't eaten for awhile. Well that didn't really help. About 10:30 p.m. I headed home and I went right to the bathroom to throw up. Yes, I had the 24 hours of dry heaving and feeling sick to my stomach. It was no fun. I felt miserable and I layed on the couch mostly all of Christmas Eve. Lance took our children to a christmas party at my grandmother's house that she was having for the whole family.  I stayed home and watched Holiday Inn. I love that movie. As soon as they got home, I tried to eat something, drank 7 UP like crazy and I started to feel better.
The boys were so excited this year. They wore their new christmas pajamas and were very eager to go to bed so Santa could come. Keaton has really grasped the idea of Santa and it was so much fun to watch him get so excited about it.
Well they went to be about 8 p.m. and Lance I and sat down and watched It's a Wonderful Life. Have you ever seen that movie? It is really interesting, but the message was very sweet. I would hope that life is a little better because I mattered to the world. I sat and wrapped a million gifts so the boys would have something to open up in the morning.
Well I slept a lot better and the boys woke us up at 7 the next morning to open presents. Keaton came and jumped on our bed telling us that Santa had come. He was very patient and we told him to wait until Owen and Andrew woke up. So he layed in bed with us and we talked about all the fun things that were under the tree.
Finally the big moment came. They had so much fun tearing everything open. Andrew just like ripping the paper and then moving on the next gift. He would make a quick glance and what he got and then ask for another one.
After a while we got dressed and headed over to my parents house to see what Santa had brought us and also for a great Christmas breakfast. The boys were so excited to see their scooters and light sabers that Santa didn't deliver to our home. My niece Ava got this huge dinasour that talks, eats and burps. The kids just loved that.
We were all very spoiled this year. One of the great things I got that I am very excited to use is the Amazon Kindle. Has anyone ever used one of these? How do you like them? It can hold up to 2600 books. That is a lot of books. Me personally, I like holding the real thing in front of me but this could be even better. We will put it to the test.
The boys got a new Wii game, Super Mario Bros.. They love it! Lance loves it! We also got a Wii Fit I am excited to try out.
Thanks to everyone who made this Christmas so special for us. We missed you Snyders! Sorry we couldn't be there with you this year. We sure loved your thoughtful gifts and phone call. We love you all!
Sorry there are no pictures. My computer is acting up. I will post them later.

1 comment:

F-A-N-G-U-P-O said...

Oh, that's too bad you were sick for Christmas....I'm glad you're feeling better now though! I was thinking while reading your post that you were going to say you're pregnant again.....hahahah, j/k! Thanks for the Christmas card, I totally love it and it's hanging on my fridge.... so I went to my Doctor's appt today and this stubborn little girl is STILL not stomach is getting bigger and bigger and still no signs that she's almost coming. I even gagged down castor oil last night and that didn't do doc said if she doesn't come on her own by my due date, she'll induce me. So that means next week Saturday for sure.....
Neways, I just wanted to stop by and send my love. Hope you have a very Happy New Year! Love you!