February 23, 2010

A new place to call home

We moved this past weekend and this will be our new home for the next few months until our home is built.  We are in a great neighborhood with great neighbors. On Saturday Lance and I started to do some yard work. No one has lived in this house for almost 3 years so everything has been neglected and for most of that time it became the neighborhood playground.  Our friends the Chesley's who live right next door brang over their pruners and chain saw and we cut down, pulled out and cut down a lot of the junk that has overtaken the yard. This summer we plan to put new plants, flowers and help the owner put in a new yard. It will be a fun summer project. The backyard is ideal with a lot of cement patios. We have a large area for the kids to ride their bikes and play basketball and also a very large waterfall in the backyard that will take some help to get up and running again, but we are very excited for the projects. We love finding things to do that will help our boys learn the value of work and a project that we can work together on. It is going to be fun.
So our first weekend in the house was full of unpacking and putting things away. The neighorhood is full of kids and they came over and helped themselves into our home. The neighbors warned me that if I didn't want traffic in my house then to keep all the doors locked. On Saturday we had  2 older boys (about 8 yrs. old) come running through our front door, they kicked off their shoes and took off their coats and headed up stairs. I had just gotten done moping the floors and Owen was asleep up stairs. It is a good thing I caught them.
We have enjoyed the home so far. We are so thankful we found this great place becaues it was such a great deal that was worth waiting for. We have had lots of visitors so far. It has been fun. Here are a few pictures of the inside, enjoy!
This is the front room upstairs. As you will see, every room in this house was painted some bazaar colors. This what you see when you come up the stairs. Then across the room is this little bar. I am terrified that one of my boys will go over this ledge because it would be certain death. It looks over the entryway.
This the master bedroom. I swear, who ever lived in this house before, loved the color red. I like the color but not in every room. It has been alittle too much.
The master bath
Keaton and Andrew's bedroom. Keaton loves the fact that his name is already painted on the wall. The previous owners must have had a son named Keaton too.
Owen's bedroom
The Kitchen is ok. The cabnet space was not well thought out. I can't fit anything in the cupboards so all of it stays in the pantry.
The front room that can be seen from the kitchen
And the office was put in the formal dinning room that you can see through the double doors in the front room. There was no other place to put it and we only own one dinning room table, it worked out well.
Here is the entry. More red as you can see and there is a scripture from teh bible that was painted over the archway. Everyone that has come to our home kneels down to do the roseary. It is pretty funny.
Now you are all welcome to come and visit us. We would love to have you.

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