July 13, 2010


Yes, I turned 31. I can't believe I am getting this old this fast.  I don't feel it so that must be a good thing.  One of the best things about my birthday was getting to sleep in until almost 9a.m. I can't remember the last time I got to sleep in that late without any kids coming in to jump on me, wanting me to fix them breakfast.  It was much needed.
I chilled pretty much the whole day and then my sweet mother made me a big dinner with lots of cake and ice cream.  It was nice to be with family.
Then my mom and sister stole me away to see Eclipse.  It was pretty good.  I guess I can only compare them to the others because it is the better of all 3.  We had a fun evening out.  Thanks girls! That was the best part of the whole day.
Thanks to everyone for your phone calls, letters, emails and texts. I loved them all!

1 comment:

F-A-N-G-U-P-O said...

Happy late Birthday Quinn!! Can you believe we're that old already?? Well, you're older than me cause I don't turn 31 until October....hahaha love ya!