It's been a week since we started this challenge and I have only had one day with sugar. I thought I would be having these serious sugar withdrawls but honestly, it has not been that hard. So this evening Shelli (my sister-in-law living with us) decided to make today her sugar day and she made some cookies. While they sat down to play Settlers of Catan, Lance and I ran to the workshop to grab a few things for work tomorrow. I took a cookie for the road. Yes, I snook one for the ride. After I ate it, I felt icky inside. I wasn't craving more. I wasn't wanting to eat anymore sugar. Is that what the body does after you detox yourself of it? I am loving the fact that I don't depend on sugar anymore.
My kids are my next priority. They have been a little harder because all they do is run next door to the Chesley's house and they get all the candy they want. This is going to be tricker than I thought.
I am going to weigh myself at the beginning of each week to see how much weight, if any, that I have lost for that past week. I stepped on the scale not thinking I had lost any, but to my surprise the scale told me I had lost 2.8 lbs. I couldn't believe it. I was happy! Now I just got to stick with it and at this rate I can lose almost 11 lbs each month. Wish me luck!
Sundays are one of my most hectic days feels like. I am running like crazy in the morning trying to get myself and my children dressed and all of us out the door by 10 so we can make it to church on time. Most of our time in sacrament is spent helping our children be reverant or finding them something to do so they are disruptive. Owen has been pretty challenging lately. He is at that stage where sitting in not an option. I wish it would come easier for him but he loves to be on the go. He has a wail that is extremely loud to. He and Andrew both inherited a loud set of pipes. Lance and I take turns taking him out so each other can sit in on some parts of the lessons. We have attempted to take him to Nursery but every time we leave, they just bring him right back to us because they don't like the crying. I am sorry but that is your job! Help my child love nursery. If he/she cries everytime and they take them to their parents, then the child never learns. It is a hard job but someone has to help them out. Even though he is not in nursery yet, he only has about a month before he goes in. Then when we get home it starts to settle down. Naptime! I love naptime! I only wish I could have one too. So while Owen is down for his nap I usually start getting dinner ready.
This is how it went today.....
coming home from church, getting all the kids some lunch, trying to get the roast in the oven on-time so we can eat at a decent hour, try to keep my house clean, sitting in on conversations here and there, getting Owen up from nap (only about an hour and a half), keep cooking dinner, welcome family to our home for a meal that is not quite ready yet, entertain my children, play with them, read to them, bathe them, put Owen to bed, get kids out of tub, go down staris and read some more. The list goes on and on but that would only bore you.
So it is really late and it is time for this mom to go to bed. Good night!
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