April 24, 2011

Easter Day

This year was alittle different.  We had Stake Conference on Easter Sunday.  It was a very nice session.  We had a broadcast from Salt Lake City and it was a very sweet meeting.  I learned a great deal on what I need to do to be a better parent and a better person overall.  I have a lot to work ahead of me.
Owen woke up feeling kind of yucky.  He was good enough for Stake Conference and then when we came home we started running a fever and just feeling kind of sluggish.  It is never any fun when children are sick.  It is never any fun with children are sick on holidays!  This year it was Owen's turn.  At least he is young enough that he didn't know what he was going to miss out on.
Lance was very generous to stay home with him while the boys and I went to my parents for some Easter fun and dinner.  We had a large crowd this year. It was nice to be all together.  We had great food and fun company.

This year instead of putting candy in the eggs and then letting your children get sicker than sick due to all the junk that they eat, they bought a pinata and filled it full of fun little toys and a few little treats thrown in.  The kids LOVED it! The parents LOVED it!  Great idea mom and dad!!!  It was hit.  My children were very spoiled this year.  The Easter bunny was very kind to them. They had a lot of fun.
While we were out having fun, Lance was holding down the fort with a pretty sick little guy. 
Now all the boys are sound asleep and we are keeping our fingers crossed that Owen will sleep all night.
Happy Easter everyone!  We are so thankful for all the many things we have been blessed with.  The Lord has been very kind to our family. My in-laws sent me a text with a picture of them at our little baby's burial site in Mesa. It is so sweet to know that she is thought of.  We are reminded especially this time of year the importance of the resurrection.  I am so thankful for the knowledge that we will live again and be with her.  The Lord is in charge and I have learned not to question his motives.  I just go with it and trust that he knows what is best for me and my family.  I have felt peace and love through it all.  I am so blessed.

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