April 21, 2011

owen turns 2

Owen is offically 2 years old.  I still can't believe it!  Time has really flown by with this child.  We didn't have a huge party.  I prefer to have it small and simple while they are still young because they have no idea what is going on.  So we had family over for a BBQ and cupcakes and ice cream.  I think he had a good time.  Keaton and Andrew gave him a push lawn mower that blows bubbles while you push it. I think that was the biggest hit of all. He hasn't stopped pushing it since he opened it last night.  I think money was well spent on that gift.
Thanks everyone for coming. We had such a nice time with all of you.
Happy Birthday Owen! We love you and we are so thankful that you are in our family!!!!!

  My sister Rachel, her newest Olivia and my mother

Owen and all the kids waiting to blow out the candle
 Uncle Justin with all the kids
Uncle Justin who just came back from a 10 day vacation in Hawaii all nice and tan

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