Yes, I turned 32 today. My mom asked me what I wanted for my birthday this year and I told her " I want someone to watch my kids for the entire day so I can do whatever I want." That was easy enough and it wouldn't cost a thing, so bless her sweet heart she took them for the day. I was sad to see them go but WOW was it nice! (Yes, I feel bloated. But that is how you feel when you are 36 weeks along)
I went shopping, out to lunch with Lance and then more shopping. It was so nice to go at my own pace, not like I was fast, you should see me waddle now. It really looks bad. Everyone was looking at my with pity in their eyes. My stomach is literally all out front and yes, it does hurt to carry her. So all the walking caused some serious contractions and many stops along the way just so I could catch my breath. But we made it and most of the items off my to do list have been accomplished.
To end the day we ate Chinese at my parents house and then finished with cheesecake. It was a great day. Thanks to everyone who called, sent emails and did other kind acts. It was great appreciated. I felt so loved!
Happy birthday!! A childless day sounds like the perfect gift...I will have to remember that when it's my birthday. :)
Glad you had a good day!! Can you believe we're 32 this year? Sounds so old, yet still feels so young! haha Love your idea of a day without the kids....I'll definetly have to remember that when my b-day rolls around in October! Love you and Happy Happy Birthday!
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