September 10, 2011

My children

While Lance was gone last weekend we got some updated pictures. They did fairly well considering we were tired, without a dad, a mom with a ruptured ear drum and a really fussy baby.  So here is what we got.... I thought they turned out pretty cute.  It is nice to have updated pictures.  Most of the pictures around my home are really outdated.  Here are my 4 little loves.......


emilyaaa said...

oh, those pictures are amazing!! and your kids are so cute!!!

Karen Melander said...

Those turned out awesome! It makes me want to get pictures done. They are adorable and I bet our boys would have a blast together! We will be home next fall!! Can't wait!

The Kynastons said...

Beautiful picture, Melissa!! What sweet, adorable kids.

F-A-N-G-U-P-O said...

You've got some of the cutest kids ever! You are blessed!

Carrie said...

I LOVE these pictures!!!