Life is pretty busy right now. Life with a 5 year old who is so full of life and an attitude of his own makes each and every day very interesting.
I'm not going to lie and tell you that life with him is easy, because it is not. But there are the small, quiet little moments when he will walk up to me and hold my hand or just come sit by me and whisper a secret to me that makes this boy so worth the fight.
Andrew turned 5 in December. He was our Christmas present the year he was born. It was one of the best presents I have ever received and I would not trade this boy for anything. We love him very much and these are all the reasons why we do.
SLEEPING... Andrew is probably my only child who truly understands the importance of sleep. He is a lot like me in the sense that when his head hits that pillow each night, it is a matter of minutes before he is out like a light. The only problem is, getting him to stay there for longer periods of time. We are doing better but there are still nights when we have to literally bribe him to stay in his bed with something that is worth while for him. He shares a room with Keaton and they sleep on bunk beds. Andrew wanted the bottom bunk and he is content with that. He loves his Mario and Lugi bed sheets and constantly instructs me when we change the sheets that the Mario ones must go back on or he isn't going to bed. Andrew will ususally sleep in the morning until 8 a.m. Some mornings it has been much later and I love that, unfortunately I have 3 other children who don't agree so we don't get to take advantage of sleeping in.
EATING... Andrew has always been a good eater. Since the day he was born, well I will just put it this way, he has been eating non-stop since the day he was born. He loves broccoli, salad, boiled eggs and pretty much anything you put in his face, he will try. Sometimes when we are feeding Ellie her baby food, Andrew will frequently ask me what her food tastes like. So I always ask him if he would like to taste it, he usually doesn't pass up an offer to try new foods. He is a good eater.
GROWTH SPURTS... Andrew doesn't suffer from growing pains like his older brother Keaton. In fact, I have never heard him complain about having them. If he has had them, he has never made it known to us. Andrew has grown by leaps and bounds this year. Since he started his little preschool group he is counting, writing his name and just telling me a lot of fun facts that he has been learning at school. He is so full of fun things that it blows my mind at how much he knows. He is wearing the same size of clothing and shoes as Keaton. So there is no such things as hand-me-downs for this guy. We constantly get asked the question "How old are your twins?" He is a big, and heavy boy for his age.
PLAYING.. That is all this boy likes to do. His best little buddy Tyler is always either at our home or Andrew is over at his house. They go to the same school and we used to be in the same ward at church until the wards were split. They are together almost 24/7 sometimes. It is so much fun to watch them play together. They like to play legos, put puzzles together and when the weather is nice, it is all outdoors and exploring for them. He plays and gets along really well with everyone he comes in contact with, most of the time :)
SCHOOL LIFE.. Andrew is in his second year of preschool. This year we switched to a dear friend from our other ward who holds the preschool group out of her home. We heard excellent reviews about her school and we decided that Andrew needed to attend her class. Plus Tyler, his best friend was going too. He loves it! He goes to school Tuesday thru Thursday from 9-12. On Wednsedays Mrs. Amber cooks with them and Andrew has really enjoyed that. Life is good at school. He is doing really really well. Very ready for Kindergarden coming up this fall. I still can't believe that!
HOME LIFE.. Andrew gets bored pretty easily. I will have a list of things for him to do if he comes to ask me that and he will usually find something quickly to avoid helping me clean, organize or cook something. He is the middle child and I am not sure what it is about the middle child but he suffers from it. He is not like Keaton, not old enough to do what he can do, but yet he is older than Owen and doesn't want to do all the little boy stuff that he is into. But he gets along with both of them fairly well. There are days when he and Owen are like oil and water. They just don't mix some days and that is when I am at my whits end trying to keep them both happy and busy doing their own thing.
FAVORITE TOY.. I don't know if Andrew has a favorite toy that comes to mind. He usually likes to play whatever the other kids are playing with. Wait a minute, YES, there is a toy that he loves most of all and that is his Nintendo DS that he got for Christmas from Santa. It is a curse and a blessing in our home. Lance will testify to that too. He is our game player. He loves to play any kind of video game. I have to be careful with this child. He could play all day long if he wanted.
WHAT ARE WE READING... We are reading The Jungle Book right now. Each and every night they request Lance or I to read them a few pages of the book we are reading. I really love to read to them each night. It is our routine and it just calms them down. I love reading to my children!
EXTRA ACTIVITIES.... Andrew will start soccer here in a few weeks. We signed him up with Star Parks and Rec. I think it will be good for him to be on his own team and not on the same team as Keaton. Plus they are on completely different levels of skill. He loves jumping on the trampoline at his friends house across the street. He needs to learn to ride his bike without training wheels. He is the kind that when you see him ride his bike he isn't even using them, he is already balancing really well but the fact that they are off, he doesn't like that. It is security and it is his braking system right now. His legs don't quite touch the ground yet so he is content to leave them on. This summer when we go on a lot of family bike rides, we are going to have to leave those behind.
Andrew is our sensitve child. Andrew is also our very rough, tough child if that makes any sense. It is hard to believe that he can be all of those, but he is. He is sweet and very receptive to the spirit. He takes good care of his sister Ellie. It is so cute to listen to him talk to her. He gets all nasaly and just talks so sweet to her. I love watching them together. He is pretty protective of her. He loves dressing her and if you ask him how we should comb her hair, he will calmly say, "with a part please." So Ellie has parts in her hair a lot. She is looking more and more grown up and her hair is growing out of control so it has come time to put some bows and barrets in her hair.
Anyways, Andrew has been a sweet boy. I love this sweet boy of mine. My mom tells me that he looks a lot like what I did when I was his age. He gets a lot of his attitude from me. He inherited my teeth too.
I love you Andrew! Thanks for choosing me to be your mom. Life doesn't get any better than this son!
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