Lances' grandparents on his father's side live in Dolores, Colorado. It is one of the most beautiful places I have been to. Colorado is very lush and green. I loved that part. The last time Lance and I were in Colorado was almost 5 years ago. Keaton was just 2 years old and Andrew was 6 months old. So they didn't remember anything about our last trip and our other two had never been. Great Grandma and Grandpa Snyder are getting older. They are starting to slow down. Everyone of Lances' siblings decided to make the trip to Colorado so we could see them. I am so glad we did!
We left on July 13th. On our way out of Boise our car decided to heat up and the Radiator decided it would be a good time to throw a wrench in our plans. We were delayed about 6 hours. So what did we do? We went to Grandpa Quinn's office just a few exits from where we were stranded at a Dealership. We rented a redbox movie and we all crashed in his back room and tried to keep the kiddos entertained with popsicles and a movie. It worked well. I think the kids had a fun time. The adults? That is another story for another time. Finally about 6 hours later our car was ready to go. So we headed to Provo. We got into town around 10:30 that night and we all crashed.
The next morning we got back in the car and drove another 6 hours to Colorado. It was a great drive. The kids did well and everyone was happy. There were several trains that we saw along the way and that made Owen really happy. He LOVES trains!
Colorado was cold. I didn't plan for cold weather. It is summer. Who plans for fall in the summertime. Luckily we brang coats. We were warned before we left Boise to at least bring coats because rain was the forecast for our weekend there. So glad we did because we got rained on everyday. It was cold. It was muddy. It was hard. Owen spent most of his time in the car and when he came out of the car he was crabby and crying. Let's just say we won't be going to Colorado or camping for awhile. Until this phase of Owen passes by. Ellie was a trooper. She slept great and did pretty well. I couldn't have been happier with her. Although she was alittle fussy at times. Her nose was a constant leak but I finally figured out why. She has 3 molars that decided to make their debut and I didn't even realize it. So sorry mommy isn't more aware of those things Ellie.
My two older boys, Keaton and Andrew were in little boy paradise. There was so much to see and do there. They got to ride in the boat out of the lake, pan for gold, shoot guns, hike up the moutains and play with cousins galore. It was really a great time for them. They really became great friends with their cousins.
This is Great Grandma and Grandpa Snyder's home in Dolores.
Boat rides with Grandpa S. and all the cousins
This pretty much sums up what Owen did the entire time.
The cabins at Oida's place where we stayed. Wasn't the nicest but it sure beats sleeping in a tent.
Our family with Great Grandma and Grandpa Snyder
Owen was happy to be in the car. So that is where he stayed.
More beautiful Colorado
A few of Lance's cousins live next to his grandparents. One afternoon they went for a ride up the mountain in the jeep. Kept the kids very entertained for quite some time.
On Saturday afternoon we took the kids with Lee and Jaclyn to Telluride. I love Telluride. I would live there if I could. Last time we came to Colorado we flew into Telluride and spent the night in this really old fashioned hotel. It was amazing. This time we weren't so lucky but we went on the Gondola rides over the moutain that takes you into the town. Then we went to this really cute old fashioned ice cream shop for the kids to get their treat for being so incredibly good.
Our family in Telluride, Colorado
I took this picture of my neice Breelynn. Isn't she stunning? She was the cutest little thing ever. She is a diva at heart! She walks and struts her stuff and she is not shy at all. I just love this picture of her. Last time I saw her, she was just a baby. They live in Georgia and so we don't get to see them at all. It was so much fun seeing them and getting to know them. We miss them already.
Everyone had fun shooting targets that were set up on the trees. Everyone brought up their guns and everyone had a chance to shoot the targets. This was the guys idea of a good time and it was great!
Sunday rolled around and we all went to church with one of the families that live there in Cortez. We all were ready to start the day. I think the Snyder's overtook the ward attendance in sacrament. We were about half the ward. I am not sure if the ward is typically that small or everyone was gone during the summer. We stayed until sacrament was over and we all headed back to Provo. Another 6 hour car ride. Everyone had a great nap. The drive home was great. The kids saw some fun things. Keaton wanted me to take this picture of this rock formation that he really liked. It was beautiful.

Keaton's birthday was that Sunday, July 15th. My oldest turned 7 years old. I think he was a little bumned that he had to spend it traveling but he was such a trooper. That morning we all sang to him and had a birthday breakfast in our little cabin of blueberry muffins and yogart. Then we gave him a present to open. He loves Lego Ninjagos. That was what he got. On our card ride back to Provo I was telling him about what he was like as a baby and some of the fun things I remember about him being so small. It was a sweet moment to spend with him. He asked me what time he was born. I told him he was born at 5:09 a.m.. He told me that he didn't feel 7 years old yet. So I told him to whsiper in my ear when he feels 7. I was sitting just watching out the window and then I get this whisper in my ear " Mom, I think I just turned 7. I just felt it." So this the picture we took of him to document this special moment. Happy Birthday Keaton! You are such a blessing in our family. We love you sweet boy!!!!

On our way home, we passed by this Arch in the rock. It is just outside of Moab. Lance and I were here years ago. When we were dating we went to Colorado to visit his family and see his grandparents. We came to this same rock with his brother and the girl, who is now, his wife and took our picture together. Here we are with our kids now. Crazy! We are all together except for Owen who was sleeping in the car. We didn't want to wake him.
Such a sweet picture of my two boys. They fight like crazy sometimes but when they love each other and are best friends. Well I just have to catch it on camera. They are so sweet and such good friends.
This is Lance's brother Lee and his family (Jaclyn, Drennan and Bree)
They live in Georiga. We don't get to see them hardly ever so we were everywhere together with them. They are so adorable.
We all got back to Utah safe and sound. But before we went back to Provo we went to Boutiful where Lance's older sister Shauna and her family live. They recently moved from Arizona. Dallin, their oldest turned 12 and was ordained a Deacon. They made it a big family event. It was so much fun too.We all got together for a fantastic dinner of real food, since we had been living on small meals in Colorado. We all sang church songs around the piano as Shauna played the piano and then we went to the church where he was set apart as a Deacon. Dallin is an amazing young man. When the ordination was done he was crying. It was such a sweet experience. Thanks for sharing that with us Dallin! We are so proud of you!!!!!
Lance and his brothers sang Army of Helamen
Most of our family singing songs around the piano. The kids loved it!
We spent the entire next week in Provo with family. Lance's parents built a home in Provo next to two of his other siblings who also built their homes there. We love it there! It is so much fun. Tommy and Sharlen opened their entire basement for our family. They were so generous. We had a great time. Cousins played non-stop and ran back and forth between homes. Lance's brother Paul is the racquetball coach for BYU and they built a racquetball court behind their home. It is the greatest! The kids loved playing in there and the adults loved playing Wallyball after all the kids were put to bed. Such fun times.
All of us girls went out shopping and the boys went to see the new Batman movie. Everyone was happy. Everyone slept well. I couldn't have asked for more.
Sunday night Lance got the call that he needed to meet with the Stake President on Tuesday night. So he went back home to Boise while the kids and I stayed in Provo. Lance was called to serve as the 1st counsler in the bishopric in our ward. Ever since he accepted the calling, we have seen so many miracles. I am so thankful that he serves and loves the members so well. He has such a giving heart.
He drove back to Provo Wednseday morning to join us in the rest of the festivities.
We had another reunion to be to this time in Utah for Lance's mom's side of the family. The Ray familiy.
Let me give you alittle insight on their family. It is HUGE! Lance's mom is one of 12 children and almost all of them had 9+ kids. It makes for a huge gathering when they all get together.
Grandma and Grandpa Ray are saints. They really are. They have such a huge posterity, it just blows me away. They are current on what everyone is doing. They still drive from Arizona to Utah and Idaho and atttend all events. It is really amazing.
Our family with Great Grandma and Grandpa Ray
There were 200 people there. Everyone loves each other and they are just the most kind group of people who could ever meet. I love them all dearly and look forward to each time we get to meet up. Lance has close to 100 first cousins on his mom's side. The great grandchildren. Well it is close to 200. Ellie was #175. And there have been at least 10 new ones since she was born a year ago. Truly amazing!!!!!
Here are all the Snyder's that were there. We are missing Preston, who is serving a mission in Singapore and Eldon and Shelli and their girls. I love this family so much! I married into a great family.
Here are some random pictures from our week there.
This boy can really melt my heart. Isn't he beautiful?
Keaton playing on the water slide.
This is my neice Tessa. She is dripping in adorable. She is 2. She is so stinking cute. I took this picture of her because she was covered head to toe in dirt and she was just so happy. We were eating ice cream outside and everytime she moved a poof of dirt would just come off of her. She reminded me of pigpen off of Charlie Brown. I could just kiss those squishy cheeks.
On our way home we stopped in Salt Lake to see my brother who lives just 3 blocks from Temple Square. My mom was in town visiting him as well so it was an added bonus. We took the boys on the little tram that goes through town and on temple square. We took them out to eat and then headed home after a long vacation.
I took this picture of Ellie while she was playing by the reflection pool. Pretty cool ha?
Keaton is one of my best helpers when it comes to Ellie. She just loves him to bits
I think that is all I have right now. I will probably post some more pictures. It is late and I need to go to bed.